What is the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax?
Question: What is the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax?
The Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax is a federal highway tax levied each year on businesses and independent contractors who own vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more, and who expect to use the vehicle more than 5,000 miles a year on public highways. The tax requirement is the same for individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), or any other type of organization.
Form 2290 is the relevant form, which is used to:
Information Required to Complete the Form
In order to complete this form you will need the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and Taxable Gross Weight for each vehicle.
When Must the Form be Completed and Tax Paid?
Form 2290 must be filed for each month a taxable vehicle is first used on public highways during the current period; the current period begins July of each year through June 30 of the next year. The form must be filed and tax paid by the end of the month after the first month of use.
So, if you purchased and began using a vehicle on July 1, 2009, you must file Form 2290 by August 31, 2009.
After you file Form 2290 and pay the tax, IRS stamps the Schedule of Heavy Highway Vehicles (Schedule I) of the form to show payment was received and returns it to you for use as proof of payment for vehicle registration.
You may file electronically through the IRS e-file program, or by mail.
The Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax is a federal highway tax levied each year on businesses and independent contractors who own vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more, and who expect to use the vehicle more than 5,000 miles a year on public highways. The tax requirement is the same for individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), or any other type of organization.
Form 2290 is the relevant form, which is used to:
- Calculate and pay the tax due on vehicles which meet the taxing requirement
- Claim a suspension from the tax for vehicles which are used less than 4,000 miles during the period or for vehicles whose taxable gross weight decreases,
- Claim a credit for tax paid on a vehicle whish is destroyed, sold, or stolen, or which is used less than 5,000 miles
- Report purchase of a used taxable vehicle for which the tax has been suspended, or to figure and pay the tax on a used vehicle.
Information Required to Complete the Form
In order to complete this form you will need the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and Taxable Gross Weight for each vehicle.
When Must the Form be Completed and Tax Paid?
Form 2290 must be filed for each month a taxable vehicle is first used on public highways during the current period; the current period begins July of each year through June 30 of the next year. The form must be filed and tax paid by the end of the month after the first month of use.
So, if you purchased and began using a vehicle on July 1, 2009, you must file Form 2290 by August 31, 2009.
After you file Form 2290 and pay the tax, IRS stamps the Schedule of Heavy Highway Vehicles (Schedule I) of the form to show payment was received and returns it to you for use as proof of payment for vehicle registration.
You may file electronically through the IRS e-file program, or by mail.