Help your allergy-prone dog stay healthy with Purina HA pet food
Having a pet, especially if it's a dog or a cat, is a bit like having a child, which is why many couples decide to get a pet together first so they can have a trial run and get a feel for what they'll be like as parents before they try to conceive.
As a result, a lot of thought is put into what is best for the pet and how to keep it as healthy as possible. While this differs from animal to animal (dogs obviously need to be exercised as much as possible while the majority of cats prefer to go off and do their own things), all of them need to be kept on the right kind of diet to ensure that they are healthy, active and at the right weight. However, different breeds (especially when it comes to dogs) need to eat different kinds of food depending on how old they are, and this is where things can get a bit complicated.
The pet food industry is now worth billions of pounds every year, and this has a lot to do with the sheer amount of options owners have to choose between. Dog food can be divided initially into two areas: dry and wet food. Dry food comes in bags and is preferred by some owners because it is cheaper and more convenient to use than wet food, which includes chunks of real food (such as fish, chicken, rabbit and so on) packed into a can with gelatine and other substances which give it a wet appearance. The food you should opt for will depend on the age and breed of your dog, as well as an allergies or intolerances to certain foods it might have (yes, dogs are susceptible to allergies just like humans!).
Puppies, for example, need a lot of energy and protein to support them as they grow, as well as different levels of calcium and antioxidants to ensure that their bones and immune systems develop properly, while owners of older dogs need to make sure that their joints, coat and weight stay healthy in order to increase the dog's lifespan. In addition, the allergies of dogs to any kind of food will usually manifest themselves in the forms of gastrointestinal problems which are easy to spot early on, meaning the animal's diet can be easily altered.
Most pet food companies have ranges that are specifically marketed at owners whose dogs need to gain something specific from their diet. Purina dog food, one of the most popular pet food brands in the UK and US, is especially good at doing this, with its ranges developed in partnership with vets to ensure that they do exactly what they claim. Purina HAHypoallergenic Canine Formula, for example, has been specifically formulated for allergy-prone dogs to eat safely, and is suitable for both growing puppies and adults that need to maintain a healthy diet and weight. If you're not sure which brand to go for, staff in the pet shop will be able to advise you.
Pets are like members of the family, and although their lifespans aren't as long as ours, the right diet can keep them around for decades – choose wisely!
As a result, a lot of thought is put into what is best for the pet and how to keep it as healthy as possible. While this differs from animal to animal (dogs obviously need to be exercised as much as possible while the majority of cats prefer to go off and do their own things), all of them need to be kept on the right kind of diet to ensure that they are healthy, active and at the right weight. However, different breeds (especially when it comes to dogs) need to eat different kinds of food depending on how old they are, and this is where things can get a bit complicated.
The pet food industry is now worth billions of pounds every year, and this has a lot to do with the sheer amount of options owners have to choose between. Dog food can be divided initially into two areas: dry and wet food. Dry food comes in bags and is preferred by some owners because it is cheaper and more convenient to use than wet food, which includes chunks of real food (such as fish, chicken, rabbit and so on) packed into a can with gelatine and other substances which give it a wet appearance. The food you should opt for will depend on the age and breed of your dog, as well as an allergies or intolerances to certain foods it might have (yes, dogs are susceptible to allergies just like humans!).
Puppies, for example, need a lot of energy and protein to support them as they grow, as well as different levels of calcium and antioxidants to ensure that their bones and immune systems develop properly, while owners of older dogs need to make sure that their joints, coat and weight stay healthy in order to increase the dog's lifespan. In addition, the allergies of dogs to any kind of food will usually manifest themselves in the forms of gastrointestinal problems which are easy to spot early on, meaning the animal's diet can be easily altered.
Most pet food companies have ranges that are specifically marketed at owners whose dogs need to gain something specific from their diet. Purina dog food, one of the most popular pet food brands in the UK and US, is especially good at doing this, with its ranges developed in partnership with vets to ensure that they do exactly what they claim. Purina HAHypoallergenic Canine Formula, for example, has been specifically formulated for allergy-prone dogs to eat safely, and is suitable for both growing puppies and adults that need to maintain a healthy diet and weight. If you're not sure which brand to go for, staff in the pet shop will be able to advise you.
Pets are like members of the family, and although their lifespans aren't as long as ours, the right diet can keep them around for decades – choose wisely!