Breaking News - a No-glitch Switch
Imagine being able to move all your furniture around without having to worry about obstructing the light switches - because the light switches can just be moved at random!
Imagine being able to switch all the lights on in your house just as you approach your own driveway - from a remote control in the car!
Imagine being able to raise or lower the intensity of any light bulb in the house - saving energy costs and light bulb costs!
These are just some of the available options with the remote controlled lighting system that is just being introduced into North America. Switches are not attached to their corresponding lights by wire, and even batteries are not used in this system.
The remote control handsets which operate all of the switches individually (or all at once) are connected to a system that is fueled by harvesting its own energy. This new technique responds to radio signals which can span as far as 300 feet. One of the big conveniences of this system is that the light 'switches' can be attached - and unattached - to any surface.
The manufacturer, Verve Living Systems, boasts that they can be pinned, screwed or taped to all surfaces, including concrete, glass and brick. This means that little children do not need a visit from mum to put off the light, and any wheelchair bound residents will have a light switch well within their reach. Power cuts will not affect the programming of your remote control as it has a non-volatile memory.
The Verve Living Systems light switches will also dim or raise fluorescent strip lighting (of course, with all these bulbs, you must first buy the bulbs or fluorescent strips with dimming capabilities). According to the manufacturers, dimming a light bulb by 20% may not even be noticeable, but the cost of powering that dimmed light bulb will be 10% less.
Verve lights switches can be utilized for your whole house needs and this also extends into the yard. If you plan to have all your pathways lit up or wish to string fairy lights under the roof eaves, they can all be accessed by the remote and you can light up your own fairy tale house as you approach it!
On a more practical note, if you plan to have a new home built, you could request this lighting system and save yourself and the builder some money and inconvenience.
Imagine being able to switch all the lights on in your house just as you approach your own driveway - from a remote control in the car!
Imagine being able to raise or lower the intensity of any light bulb in the house - saving energy costs and light bulb costs!
These are just some of the available options with the remote controlled lighting system that is just being introduced into North America. Switches are not attached to their corresponding lights by wire, and even batteries are not used in this system.
The remote control handsets which operate all of the switches individually (or all at once) are connected to a system that is fueled by harvesting its own energy. This new technique responds to radio signals which can span as far as 300 feet. One of the big conveniences of this system is that the light 'switches' can be attached - and unattached - to any surface.
The manufacturer, Verve Living Systems, boasts that they can be pinned, screwed or taped to all surfaces, including concrete, glass and brick. This means that little children do not need a visit from mum to put off the light, and any wheelchair bound residents will have a light switch well within their reach. Power cuts will not affect the programming of your remote control as it has a non-volatile memory.
The Verve Living Systems light switches will also dim or raise fluorescent strip lighting (of course, with all these bulbs, you must first buy the bulbs or fluorescent strips with dimming capabilities). According to the manufacturers, dimming a light bulb by 20% may not even be noticeable, but the cost of powering that dimmed light bulb will be 10% less.
Verve lights switches can be utilized for your whole house needs and this also extends into the yard. If you plan to have all your pathways lit up or wish to string fairy lights under the roof eaves, they can all be accessed by the remote and you can light up your own fairy tale house as you approach it!
On a more practical note, if you plan to have a new home built, you could request this lighting system and save yourself and the builder some money and inconvenience.