Red Lion Schools in Pennsylvania
- Red Lion offers seven elementary schools both within the borough and outside of the borough. For example, through school choice or location near the borough border, Red Lion children can attend the city of Brogue's Clearview Elementary School, or Locust Grove Elementary School in York. Red Lion borough options include the Mazie Gable Elementary School, the North Hopewell-Winterstown Elementary School or the Pleasant View Elementary School.
- Red Lion splits its high schools between a junior high school and the senior high school. The Red Lion Junior High School performs the duties of any typical junior high school and prepares eighth-graders for their high school experiences. The Red Lion High School is the main public high school for all Red Lion students. The Red Lion High School offers a wide range of career counseling and graduation counseling. The High School's Graduation Project offers multidisciplinary courses and advice to help students find their appropriate academic or career path after graduating.
- The Red Lion Area School District also invests in alternative education programs for the borough. The Alternative Education program at Red Lion High School focuses on students who require or want extra attention to their studies and development in school. Advisers work directly with students in this program daily on everything from the school's academic curriculum to enhancing social skills. Community service involvement is also a requirement in the Alternative Education program, such as soup kitchen work to helping local war veterans. Parents are also invited to participate daily with their high school children in the Alternative Education program.
- Parents or new residents of Red Lion can become involved in the Red Lion Area School District ( The Area School district also encompasses some neighboring town and borough schools, which is why Red Lion children can attend a school like Clearview Elementary School. The school board aims to be a transparent and helpful school district to school parents. All parents are welcome to volunteer their services for the Area School District. Also, all pertinent records of school administrators, the Area School District, and teachers are available to the public.
Elementary School Options
High Schools
Alternative Education
General Administration