How to Foreclose in Arizona
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File a Notice of Trustee's Sale.Justice image by MVit from
Record a Notice of Trustee's Sale in the county's recorders office. This legal notice announces that the property will be sold within 90 days. Post the notice on the property at least 20 days prior to the sale. Post the notice at a building that serves the superior court of the the respective county. - 2
Mail the notice of sale.Mail image by Eagle from
Notify the borrower by mail within five days after filing the Notice of Trustee's Sale. State the date, time and place of the sale. Identify the property that is to be sold. The address or legal description are both ways to identify the property. Include the original balance of the note. Identify the name and address of the original trustor. Provide the phone number of the trustee in the notice. - 3
Publish a notice in the local reading newspaper image by jimcox40 from
Publish the notice in the county newspaper once a week for four weeks. The last date it can run is 10 days prior to the sale. Include the date, time and place of the sale in the published notice. Include the property address and the original balance of the note in the public notice. - 4
Sell at auction.gavel image by Cora Reed from
Hold the public auction on the date published in the local newspaper. Sell the property to the highest bidder.