How to Make Him Miss You More! Here is What You Need to Do in Order to Get Him Desperate For You
Sometimes we need to make a man understand what we are truly worth and that becomes possible only when we make him miss us.
If you want to know how to make a man miss you more then read on and find out how to do that.
Have a signature scent The process starts a little earlier than before you do the disappearing act.
To begin with you have to start wearing a signature scent.
This is the perfume that he should always identify you with.
Now before you disappear spray some of your perfume on the pillow that you have slept on in his house.
When he misses you and gets a whiff of you, he will begin to miss you more.
Leave a personal reminder Sometimes leaving a very personal reminder also can make your man miss you more.
So before disappearing, leave either one of your earrings behind or a piece of your lingerie.
It will remind him of the closeness that you have shared and will make him miss you.
Disconnect from him suddenly Now the timing is also very important.
When you want to make a man miss you more you should make the disappearance very sudden.
Don't forewarn him about your plan.
Just call him on the day and tell him that you'll be unavailable for the next few days.
He will not be able to stop thinking of you and will begin to miss you more.
Send a love letter Let a few days pass and then send him a hand written love note.
There is something magical about love letters that can stir a man's heart.
It is personal and will make him feel closer to you compared to the cold e mail.
And that is going to make him miss you more.
Make a very occasional call Try to keep the calling to a bare minimum.
What's the point in trying to make him miss you if you keep calling him time and again? That way your purpose will not be served and he will never quite realize what you mean to him.
So call but very infrequently.
Call him only at night The timing of the call is also very crucial.
Call him when he is alone and feeling lonely.
Night time hence becomes the perfect time to call.
When he hangs up after your brief conversation, he will miss you even more.
Sound happy When you call him be the happiness that he is missing.
When he hangs up he will begin to miss you even more.
If you want to know how to make a man miss you more then read on and find out how to do that.
Have a signature scent The process starts a little earlier than before you do the disappearing act.
To begin with you have to start wearing a signature scent.
This is the perfume that he should always identify you with.
Now before you disappear spray some of your perfume on the pillow that you have slept on in his house.
When he misses you and gets a whiff of you, he will begin to miss you more.
Leave a personal reminder Sometimes leaving a very personal reminder also can make your man miss you more.
So before disappearing, leave either one of your earrings behind or a piece of your lingerie.
It will remind him of the closeness that you have shared and will make him miss you.
Disconnect from him suddenly Now the timing is also very important.
When you want to make a man miss you more you should make the disappearance very sudden.
Don't forewarn him about your plan.
Just call him on the day and tell him that you'll be unavailable for the next few days.
He will not be able to stop thinking of you and will begin to miss you more.
Send a love letter Let a few days pass and then send him a hand written love note.
There is something magical about love letters that can stir a man's heart.
It is personal and will make him feel closer to you compared to the cold e mail.
And that is going to make him miss you more.
Make a very occasional call Try to keep the calling to a bare minimum.
What's the point in trying to make him miss you if you keep calling him time and again? That way your purpose will not be served and he will never quite realize what you mean to him.
So call but very infrequently.
Call him only at night The timing of the call is also very crucial.
Call him when he is alone and feeling lonely.
Night time hence becomes the perfect time to call.
When he hangs up after your brief conversation, he will miss you even more.
Sound happy When you call him be the happiness that he is missing.
When he hangs up he will begin to miss you even more.