Do Apple iPods Work With Windows Media Player?
- The iPod does not work out of the box with Windows Media Player. It works only with Apple's iTunes software. However, some users prefer Windows Media Player, and this kind of limitation can prevent these users from using an iPod with their preferred music software interface. Having a way to sync the iPod with the Media Player can eliminate this problem.
- Both iTunes and Windows Media Player serve as a way to organize, move and play a music library on a computer and connect to MP3 players to sync the device with their current music library. Aftermarket programs allow users to sync the iPod to Windows Media Player so that song files on the Media Player can be placed on the ipod without the use of iTunes.
- Downloading or purchasing a program that allows an iPod to sync with Windows Media Player is the only solution to this compatibility issue. A program such as Xplay 2 made by Mediafour allows for an iPod to work fully with the Windows Media Player.
Under the Quality Tab in Windows Media Player's Menu, the settings must be changed after installing Xplay 2 to ensure files appear both on the iPod and the computer. Unchecking the selection for file conversion to the "WMP" format prevents Windows Media Player from making audio files into this format which is not recognized by the iPod. - Ensure that the files to be used on the iPod from Windows Media Player are in MP3 format. Audio files in any other format such as "WMP" or "WMA" will not play on the iPod. Conversely, audio files in formats such as "AAC" which is an Apple only format will play on the iPod, but are not recognized by Windows Media Player.
- Consider that Apple's iTunes software is free to download from Apple's Official Website. Windows Media Player is free as well from Microsoft and comes built-in to most Windows-based computers, but requires the purchase or download of a third party software program like Xplay 2 to work fully with iPod devices.
iTunes comes in a Mac version and a PC version, which means that iTunes will work fully on a Windows-based computer for free. A connected iPod will sync with iTunes and any audio files placed in iTunes.
Windows Media Player has available plug-ins that allow audio files to sync with an iPod, but certain file types and iPod features may not be supported with free plug-ins. - Altering a copyrighted audio file may be against the law or may violate the terms of service for the software or hardware being used. Also, illegally downloaded audio files, besides being against the law, can contain harmful viruses or spyware that can damage your iPod or computer.