Looking For The Perfect Skin For Men?
If you are like me, like most men, you may not think much about skin care at all.
However, the men's skin care industry is not a new phenomenon.
However, it is one that most men do not take seriously and almost never think about.
This adds some extra challenges to the marketing of products for male skin care products and the quest for the perfect skin for men.
Back in January of 2011 there was an article in the Washington Post called "Men are just not that excited about skin care".
In this article J.
Mastey, owner of L.
-based Baxter of California, a men's skin-care line is quoted as saying that "the challenge [any skin care company] face is the connotation that they are marketing products to men that are first and foremost for women.
" Men do not realize that the quality of their skin and the damage done to it can make them look older.
Good skin can make them look younger.
I personally have very good skin that I get from my mother's side of the family.
If I do not take proper care, and get too much exposure to the wind and sun I can do real damage and lose what I have gained from genetics.
In addition there are differences between the skin of men and women that most people do not understand or take into account.
These differences mean that a product designed for a woman may not work as well on a man.
However, there are differences between the skin of man and women which are taken into account by some of the better skincare companies.
The male skin is thicker and therefore skincare products for men can be a higher concentration than they are for women.
Men skin is also may have larger oil glands which also impact the choice of skincare products.
Men do not understand that the same skin problems that affect men are also experienced by women.
With this in mind, the perfect skin for men is something that can be found.
Men just need to understand that there is a real solution for the problems they may be experiencing.
Men who do not have skin problems need to know that proper skincare is important if they want to stay problem free and continue to look and young as possible.
What's the single best thing for the average guy who has decided to put his best face forward? Exfoliate, said Beverly Hills dermatologist Harold Lancer in the same article from the Washington Post.
"If you don't remove the dead skin cells and oxidized debris," he says, "nothing else you do - like moisturizing - can reach its target.
" Well the Ape to Gentleman Poll from the website apetogentleman.
com showed the most important factor of a man's choice in grooming products is how effective the product is with a staggering 65.
42% of respondents choosing this variable.
This was more important than price or any other factor.
In conclusion men do not care about skin care, but as they get older and learn more the interest in their appearance and lost youth does increase.
However, it is not price or the name brand that impacts their choice of products.
What they care most about are products that are effective.
If your one of those men researching proper skin care in the quest for the perfect skin for men then you should consider visiting my website to learn more about a company that recognizes there is a difference in quality skincare for men and skincare for women.
However, the men's skin care industry is not a new phenomenon.
However, it is one that most men do not take seriously and almost never think about.
This adds some extra challenges to the marketing of products for male skin care products and the quest for the perfect skin for men.
Back in January of 2011 there was an article in the Washington Post called "Men are just not that excited about skin care".
In this article J.
Mastey, owner of L.
-based Baxter of California, a men's skin-care line is quoted as saying that "the challenge [any skin care company] face is the connotation that they are marketing products to men that are first and foremost for women.
" Men do not realize that the quality of their skin and the damage done to it can make them look older.
Good skin can make them look younger.
I personally have very good skin that I get from my mother's side of the family.
If I do not take proper care, and get too much exposure to the wind and sun I can do real damage and lose what I have gained from genetics.
In addition there are differences between the skin of men and women that most people do not understand or take into account.
These differences mean that a product designed for a woman may not work as well on a man.
However, there are differences between the skin of man and women which are taken into account by some of the better skincare companies.
The male skin is thicker and therefore skincare products for men can be a higher concentration than they are for women.
Men skin is also may have larger oil glands which also impact the choice of skincare products.
Men do not understand that the same skin problems that affect men are also experienced by women.
With this in mind, the perfect skin for men is something that can be found.
Men just need to understand that there is a real solution for the problems they may be experiencing.
Men who do not have skin problems need to know that proper skincare is important if they want to stay problem free and continue to look and young as possible.
What's the single best thing for the average guy who has decided to put his best face forward? Exfoliate, said Beverly Hills dermatologist Harold Lancer in the same article from the Washington Post.
"If you don't remove the dead skin cells and oxidized debris," he says, "nothing else you do - like moisturizing - can reach its target.
" Well the Ape to Gentleman Poll from the website apetogentleman.
com showed the most important factor of a man's choice in grooming products is how effective the product is with a staggering 65.
42% of respondents choosing this variable.
This was more important than price or any other factor.
In conclusion men do not care about skin care, but as they get older and learn more the interest in their appearance and lost youth does increase.
However, it is not price or the name brand that impacts their choice of products.
What they care most about are products that are effective.
If your one of those men researching proper skin care in the quest for the perfect skin for men then you should consider visiting my website to learn more about a company that recognizes there is a difference in quality skincare for men and skincare for women.