How to Draw a Secret Garden
- 1). Sketch out the layout of the garden, from a ground level perspective, using the 2H pencil. Roughly draw where a crumbling wall will hem in the garden, and where the secret, ivy-covered doorway will be.
- 2). Choose what plants you desire in your garden, from flowers to trees. Oak, roses, wildflowers and ivy were all part of the original Secret Garden. Draw light outlines of where you want them in the picture.
- 3). Outline the finalized location of all the objects, working from those in the front, such as the flowers, to those in the back, such as the wall and the door, using the HB pencil.
- 4). Add details in to the flowers, such as the stems, stoma and petals. Do the same with the trees and other plants, adding bark texture and leaf creases.
- 5). Color in the outlines of the objects and their details using the appropriate pencils -- dark green for ivy leaves, brown for trunks, and a variety of colors for the flowers.