How to Make Rabbit Toys
- 1). Start collecting toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Every time you have a new roll, stuff hay into it and give it to your bunny, who will likely have fun tossing it up and down in the air as she tries to grab bites of hay.
- 2). Keep all of your old phone books and have family and friends do the same. Give one or two phone books to your rabbit at a time. Phone books are great for ripping apart and most rabbits love to shred them to pieces.
- 3). Provide your rabbit with a box. Boxes provide the perfect hiding place and the perfect chew toy for a playful rabbit.
- 4). Take a large box, or a spare litter box, and fill it with shredded paper, hay or even an old blanket to create the perfect digging ground for your rabbit.
- 5). Give your rabbit a regular paper bag to hide in, chew and play with. Paper bags are often a popular, easy-to-find toy for bunnies.