Dwarf Hamsters - Fighting For Fun
Just because dwarf hamsters are so cute and adorable doesn't mean they're always perfect little angels.
In fact some dwarf hamsters naturally have bad temperaments and are just always angry (despite the misleading appearance).
And one of the ways this shows is when their owners experience their dwarf hamsters fighting.
But most of the time these guys really are as nice as they look, even when they're fighting.
Yes, even when they're fighting.
Sometimes when you see dwarf hamsters fighting, they aren't being malicious and trying to hurt one another, they're just playing and not hurting each other at all.
Dwarf hamsters enjoy play fighting but you can't always tell if they're just playing around or if you have a serious matter on your hands.
What you see can sometimes be deceiving.
You might see one of your hamsters chasing another while they are both doing a lot of squeaking.
At first thought, you might think they're just playing around and having fun.
This is probably true most of the time, but it's possible one is chasing the other for a serious fight and the other is running away! In the same vein, you might think your hamsters are in a serious tussle but the truth might be that they're just playing around and not really hurting each other.
So how do you tell the difference between play fighting and real fighting? The truth is you won't always be able to tell while the fight is taking place unless you have amazing eyesight that can catch the tiny details that take place during one of these squabbles.
Don't worry too much though, most of the time it's a play fight, especially if you have two hamsters that get a long.
This can be confirmed if you see them fighting and afterwards neither of them is hurt.
If you see any cuts, wounds, or bite marks though, the fight was real and you will probably need to separate the two.
But once again, most dwarf hamsters are really friendly and rarely fight for real.
Just make sure you get two hamsters that get along and set things up so there won't be any squabbles (i.
giving each hamster his own wheel).
In fact some dwarf hamsters naturally have bad temperaments and are just always angry (despite the misleading appearance).
And one of the ways this shows is when their owners experience their dwarf hamsters fighting.
But most of the time these guys really are as nice as they look, even when they're fighting.
Yes, even when they're fighting.
Sometimes when you see dwarf hamsters fighting, they aren't being malicious and trying to hurt one another, they're just playing and not hurting each other at all.
Dwarf hamsters enjoy play fighting but you can't always tell if they're just playing around or if you have a serious matter on your hands.
What you see can sometimes be deceiving.
You might see one of your hamsters chasing another while they are both doing a lot of squeaking.
At first thought, you might think they're just playing around and having fun.
This is probably true most of the time, but it's possible one is chasing the other for a serious fight and the other is running away! In the same vein, you might think your hamsters are in a serious tussle but the truth might be that they're just playing around and not really hurting each other.
So how do you tell the difference between play fighting and real fighting? The truth is you won't always be able to tell while the fight is taking place unless you have amazing eyesight that can catch the tiny details that take place during one of these squabbles.
Don't worry too much though, most of the time it's a play fight, especially if you have two hamsters that get a long.
This can be confirmed if you see them fighting and afterwards neither of them is hurt.
If you see any cuts, wounds, or bite marks though, the fight was real and you will probably need to separate the two.
But once again, most dwarf hamsters are really friendly and rarely fight for real.
Just make sure you get two hamsters that get along and set things up so there won't be any squabbles (i.
giving each hamster his own wheel).