Canine Influenza In Beagle Dogs
Beagle dogs have existed for around 2,000 years now. In fact it has been depicted in various literature and paintings during the time of Queen Elizabeth and in film, television and comic books in modern times. Just like other breed of dogs, these popular dogs of ancient origin can also obtain canine influenza, a newly identified disease affecting dogs.
Canine influenza, also called canine flu appears to be similar to Kennel Cough or Canine Tracheobronchitis. This disease was a common infection in horses and has transferred to dogs because of the exposure at greyhound track wherein horse racing and dog racing occurs. This disease is spread easily if dogs are kept together, but could also be passed on the street or in kennels. This airborne disease is spread by infected dogs through sneezing or coughing on another. This is also spread through direct contact with a contaminated surface.
Signs of this disease is similar to kennel cough, generally appears two to five days after a dog is exposed to the virus. These signs include sneezing, coughing and fever. However, this disease is categorized into two; mild infection and severe infection. Most dogs suffering from mild infection of canine influenza exhibits a soft, moist cough that lasts for around ten to thirty days, some dogs however have dry cough. Low-grade fever as well as thick nasal discharge is also present in this condition. In severe infection, symptoms include fever, increased respiratory rates with difficulty in breathing and other clinical signs of pneumonia. Fever usually ranges from 104 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit.
To treat mild infection of the disease, the nasal discharge that represents a secondary bacterial infection can be treated with a broad-spectrum bactericidal antimicrobial. Administration of antibiotics is also used in treating this disease. Severe condition of canine influenza is often accompanied with pneumonia caused by bacterial superinfection. This case is best treated with hydration, sometimes through intravenous administration of fluids. Broad-spectrum bactericidal antimicrobial is also used in treating severe infection of canine influenza. If you suspect that your pet has contracted this disease and is showing early signs of mild infection of canine influenza, it is good to consult your veterinarian at once.
Sad to say, vaccination against this disease is not yet available. Prevention of this disease greatly relies on the owner. Contact to other dogs known to have canine influenza should be avoided.
Canine influenza, also called canine flu appears to be similar to Kennel Cough or Canine Tracheobronchitis. This disease was a common infection in horses and has transferred to dogs because of the exposure at greyhound track wherein horse racing and dog racing occurs. This disease is spread easily if dogs are kept together, but could also be passed on the street or in kennels. This airborne disease is spread by infected dogs through sneezing or coughing on another. This is also spread through direct contact with a contaminated surface.
Signs of this disease is similar to kennel cough, generally appears two to five days after a dog is exposed to the virus. These signs include sneezing, coughing and fever. However, this disease is categorized into two; mild infection and severe infection. Most dogs suffering from mild infection of canine influenza exhibits a soft, moist cough that lasts for around ten to thirty days, some dogs however have dry cough. Low-grade fever as well as thick nasal discharge is also present in this condition. In severe infection, symptoms include fever, increased respiratory rates with difficulty in breathing and other clinical signs of pneumonia. Fever usually ranges from 104 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit.
To treat mild infection of the disease, the nasal discharge that represents a secondary bacterial infection can be treated with a broad-spectrum bactericidal antimicrobial. Administration of antibiotics is also used in treating this disease. Severe condition of canine influenza is often accompanied with pneumonia caused by bacterial superinfection. This case is best treated with hydration, sometimes through intravenous administration of fluids. Broad-spectrum bactericidal antimicrobial is also used in treating severe infection of canine influenza. If you suspect that your pet has contracted this disease and is showing early signs of mild infection of canine influenza, it is good to consult your veterinarian at once.
Sad to say, vaccination against this disease is not yet available. Prevention of this disease greatly relies on the owner. Contact to other dogs known to have canine influenza should be avoided.