Pregnancy and the Right Fish Oil Dosage for You
Some of the nutrients in fish, such as omega 3 fatty acids, are important for the development of the fetus growing inside you.
Because the human body cannot manufacture omega 3, you're reliant upon food or food supplements to obtain DHA and EPA, the omega 3 fatty acids found in seafood.
While seafood has positive nutrients, it also has negative compounds, such as mercury and other toxins.
Mercury is especially harmful to developing brains, so pregnant women need to think twice about consuming deep sea fish during pregnancy.
Women are advised to eat no more than two servings of fish per week when pregnant.
However, one option is to take fish supplements.
As long as the fish oil is purified, you'll avoid mercury and other heavy metals.
You can have your cake and eat it too.
Finding the Right Dose Early On While there is no recommended dosage of fish oil during pregnancy, you should consult with your obstetrician about the proper amount for you.
Preliminary studies show the connection between DHA and normal fetal brain development, so it may be wise to get your obstetrician's opinion as soon as possible.
One study illustrated that women who take omega 3 during pregnancy can improve their child's hand-eye coordination.
In general, 300 mg of DHA per fish oil dose is enough to confer benefits to a fetus.
If your prenatal vitamins already contain DHA, you may not need to take an additional supplement.
Postpartum Depression If you're at high risk for postpartum depression, there is some evidence that fish oil supplements can help.
Omega 3 has been proven to be as effective as Prozac for severely depressed patients, so taking the most purified, best omega3 oil may be a wise move for new moms.
Because the human body cannot manufacture omega 3, you're reliant upon food or food supplements to obtain DHA and EPA, the omega 3 fatty acids found in seafood.
While seafood has positive nutrients, it also has negative compounds, such as mercury and other toxins.
Mercury is especially harmful to developing brains, so pregnant women need to think twice about consuming deep sea fish during pregnancy.
Women are advised to eat no more than two servings of fish per week when pregnant.
However, one option is to take fish supplements.
As long as the fish oil is purified, you'll avoid mercury and other heavy metals.
You can have your cake and eat it too.
Finding the Right Dose Early On While there is no recommended dosage of fish oil during pregnancy, you should consult with your obstetrician about the proper amount for you.
Preliminary studies show the connection between DHA and normal fetal brain development, so it may be wise to get your obstetrician's opinion as soon as possible.
One study illustrated that women who take omega 3 during pregnancy can improve their child's hand-eye coordination.
In general, 300 mg of DHA per fish oil dose is enough to confer benefits to a fetus.
If your prenatal vitamins already contain DHA, you may not need to take an additional supplement.
Postpartum Depression If you're at high risk for postpartum depression, there is some evidence that fish oil supplements can help.
Omega 3 has been proven to be as effective as Prozac for severely depressed patients, so taking the most purified, best omega3 oil may be a wise move for new moms.