The Latest Paranormal News and Views
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Ghost Hunter's training ground
There is no shortage of ghostly legends and lore floating around this time of year. And those in the know say things tend to heat up the closer we get to Halloween. Heather Miller joined some local ghost hunters at a Wood County Cemetery so haunted they use it to train new members...
Hunting ghosts
One of the world's largest film archives was founded by a ghost hunter and psychic researcher, among others, who was as obsessed with getting to the bottom of the Great Indian Rope Trick as with preserving films for posterity...
Residents discuss haunting experiences
A television pilot aims to help people who believe they have been haunted, and area residents hope to take part. Two dozen people attended a seminar Sept. 9 on "Surviving a Haunting" to find out more about paranormal experiences and take part in the pilot, filmed by the production company of Dean Miuccio from Warm 98 Radio...
Video: UFO footage from Chile mystifies researchers
UFO sightings in Chile are a common occurrence and many possible alien events are reported in that nation's media on a yearly basis...
Dowsers out to prove themselves
A new study aimed at proving how the ancient art of dowsing actually works and bringing it to the attention of a wider public is being launched under the aegis of the British Society of Dowsers. Dowsers Adrian Incledon-Webber and Hugo Jenks announced their study at the British Society of Dowsers annual conference, held on the weekend of September 10-12 at the Royal College of Agriculture, Cirencester, Gloucestershire.
Dowsing for submarines
Beachcombing, in his hoarding way, has been storing up references to the military use of dowsing over the past months: indeed, he has already posted on the question of British dowsing for machine guns in the Second World War and hopes to come soon to the fraught question of dowsing for land mines this fall. But what about dowsing for submarines?..
Witnesses: Person falls from sky, then vanishes
Several people in New Jersey claimed they saw a person falling from the sky with no parachute, but an extensive police search has turned up no evidence, NBC Philadelphia reported. Witness Kelly Hale and two of her co-workers at Shore Veterinarians in Egg Harbor Township said they watched from their office windows as a human fell head-first from the sky on Tuesday. But there were no reports of missing skydivers...
Ghost Hunter's training ground
There is no shortage of ghostly legends and lore floating around this time of year. And those in the know say things tend to heat up the closer we get to Halloween. Heather Miller joined some local ghost hunters at a Wood County Cemetery so haunted they use it to train new members...
Hunting ghosts
One of the world's largest film archives was founded by a ghost hunter and psychic researcher, among others, who was as obsessed with getting to the bottom of the Great Indian Rope Trick as with preserving films for posterity...
Residents discuss haunting experiences
A television pilot aims to help people who believe they have been haunted, and area residents hope to take part. Two dozen people attended a seminar Sept. 9 on "Surviving a Haunting" to find out more about paranormal experiences and take part in the pilot, filmed by the production company of Dean Miuccio from Warm 98 Radio...
Video: UFO footage from Chile mystifies researchers
UFO sightings in Chile are a common occurrence and many possible alien events are reported in that nation's media on a yearly basis...
Dowsers out to prove themselves
A new study aimed at proving how the ancient art of dowsing actually works and bringing it to the attention of a wider public is being launched under the aegis of the British Society of Dowsers. Dowsers Adrian Incledon-Webber and Hugo Jenks announced their study at the British Society of Dowsers annual conference, held on the weekend of September 10-12 at the Royal College of Agriculture, Cirencester, Gloucestershire.
Dowsing for submarines
Beachcombing, in his hoarding way, has been storing up references to the military use of dowsing over the past months: indeed, he has already posted on the question of British dowsing for machine guns in the Second World War and hopes to come soon to the fraught question of dowsing for land mines this fall. But what about dowsing for submarines?..
Witnesses: Person falls from sky, then vanishes
Several people in New Jersey claimed they saw a person falling from the sky with no parachute, but an extensive police search has turned up no evidence, NBC Philadelphia reported. Witness Kelly Hale and two of her co-workers at Shore Veterinarians in Egg Harbor Township said they watched from their office windows as a human fell head-first from the sky on Tuesday. But there were no reports of missing skydivers...