School Activities that Build Self-Esteem in Kids
A recent survey by Discovery Girls magazine revealed that 30 percent of girls said doing well in school helped build their self-confidence. Of course, teachers, coaches, and leaders can have a huge impact on self-esteem in kids, but certain school activities also help them gain confidence. Here are three academic activities for school or home to help build self-esteem in your daughter:
1) Keep a Journal
Encouraging your daughter to keep a journal lets her express her feelings by creating a poem, a story, or a picture. This allows her to share in a way that is meaningful to her on a very personal level. If she is certain that a desire to keep her journal private will be respected, she'll get even more out of this confidence-building activity because she'll feel safe enough to explore more of her personal feelings in the journal.
2) Draw Self-Portraits or Create Self-Collages
Build self-esteem in kids by helping them create art about themselves. Give your daughter a mirror and some art supplies and ask her to create a self-portrait. Remind her not to worry about making an exact drawing of the way she looks, but to create a representation of herself. This way, she can feel free to express the things she feels as well as the way she looks. Here's a variation: You can have her draw half of her face the way she sees herself, and draw the other half of her face the way she thinks others see her. (Or you can ask her to draw the other half the way she thinks you see her.)
Or have your daughter express herself through a self-collage—another great art project to improve her self-image. Your daughter can create a collage by cutting up old magazine ads and using construction paper for color. It's a fun art project that won't cost much and will help her see herself in a positive light.
3) Write a Letter to Herself
This is a great activity to encourage your daughter to engage in at the milestones in her life—like graduating from elementary school. Simply have her write a letter to herself; then seal it and keep it for one year. At the end of the year, you'll return it to her. Coach her to include these things in the letter: some goals she achieved this year, what she's most excited about as she looks forward to the next 12 months, what she's most afraid of, and what she hopes for most. When she reads the letter a year later, she'll realize how far she's come and how much she's grown up. Also, reflecting on what made her afraid a year earlier will help her overcome her fears next time.
There are lots of ways to build self-esteem in kids through activities. For different types of activities that build self-esteem, visit Activities to Boost Self-Esteem.
1) Keep a Journal
Encouraging your daughter to keep a journal lets her express her feelings by creating a poem, a story, or a picture. This allows her to share in a way that is meaningful to her on a very personal level. If she is certain that a desire to keep her journal private will be respected, she'll get even more out of this confidence-building activity because she'll feel safe enough to explore more of her personal feelings in the journal.
2) Draw Self-Portraits or Create Self-Collages
Build self-esteem in kids by helping them create art about themselves. Give your daughter a mirror and some art supplies and ask her to create a self-portrait. Remind her not to worry about making an exact drawing of the way she looks, but to create a representation of herself. This way, she can feel free to express the things she feels as well as the way she looks. Here's a variation: You can have her draw half of her face the way she sees herself, and draw the other half of her face the way she thinks others see her. (Or you can ask her to draw the other half the way she thinks you see her.)
Or have your daughter express herself through a self-collage—another great art project to improve her self-image. Your daughter can create a collage by cutting up old magazine ads and using construction paper for color. It's a fun art project that won't cost much and will help her see herself in a positive light.
3) Write a Letter to Herself
This is a great activity to encourage your daughter to engage in at the milestones in her life—like graduating from elementary school. Simply have her write a letter to herself; then seal it and keep it for one year. At the end of the year, you'll return it to her. Coach her to include these things in the letter: some goals she achieved this year, what she's most excited about as she looks forward to the next 12 months, what she's most afraid of, and what she hopes for most. When she reads the letter a year later, she'll realize how far she's come and how much she's grown up. Also, reflecting on what made her afraid a year earlier will help her overcome her fears next time.
There are lots of ways to build self-esteem in kids through activities. For different types of activities that build self-esteem, visit Activities to Boost Self-Esteem.