What Are MSP Files?
- Windows patches with the MSP file extension are designed to update the Windows operating system and its applications. According to Microsoft, MSP files are self-contained packages that hold both the application changes themselves, as well as information regarding which versions of Windows are eligible for the patch. An MSP file contains a minimum of two database transforms. Microsoft Windows Installer is used to open MSP patch files.
- Microsoft Paint is native to the Windows operating system, and allows image files to be stored in a range of formats. In the context of Paint, the MSP file extension represents monochromatic bitmap images. The file extension is also applied to certain older clip art images. Programs that will open a Microsoft Paint MSP file include Corel PaintShop Pro X4 and Serif PhotoPlus X5.
- MaxScript, a Windows Web-based script that is used for Web servers, also uses the MSP file extension. MaxScript contains both HTML code and other text code, and its MSP files may be edited with any text editor. The files communicate with data sources like DBF files and support the retrieval of dynamic content for the Web. MAXSIS DBmax and MAXSIS DBfree will open MSP files.
- Apple uses the file extension MSP for its ClarisWorks and AppleWorks programs. The MSP files contain dictionary data, which is accessed when the spell checker is used. Each language for which there is a dictionary has its own MSP file -- for instance, spanish.msp would contain the Spanish language dictionary data. Only AppleWorks and ClarisWorks can open these files, and at the time of publication both software programs have been discontinued.
Windows Installer Patch
Paint Bitmap Images
ClarisWorks and AppleWorks