How to Apply Advantage on Cats
- 1). Hold one applicator so the cap is upright. Remove the cap with a twisting motion.
- 2). Turn the cap over and use the point to break the seal on the applicator. Twisting the point into the seal will help break it more effectively.
- 3). Sit the cat in front of you and, with both hands, part the cat's hair at the base of the skull until a small patch of skin is exposed.
- 4). Place the applicator tube onto the exposed skin and squeeze its contents onto this skin patch until the container is empty. Applying the Advantage to the back of the cat's neck will keep the cat from licking or biting at the medication.
- 5). Wrap the used applicator and cap in a plastic garbage bag. Tie the bag closed and place it into the trash. Repeat this process once a month.