Acid Reflux Disease Home Remedies
- Several herbal treatments can help effectively treat and control acid reflux, including slipperly elm, licorice, marshmallow and chamomile. However, some herbs can interfere with the effectiveness of prescription medications so be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist about any herbal remedies you are using before taking prescription drugs.
- For centuries, people have used apple cider vinegar to treat a variety of common ailments and medical conditions, including acid reflux. To use apple cider vinegar to help combat acid reflux, add 1 tsp. of the vinegar to half a glass of water and drink it with your meals.
- Ginger root can help absorb the acid in the stomach, which will then decrease some of the bothersome side effects of acid reflux. Capsules of ginger root can be purchased at many health food and nutritional supplement stores. If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD, try taking one capsule immediately after a meal to stop symptoms from developing.
- A tea made with anise and lavender can help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. To make the tea, boil 2 1/2 cups of distilled water. Then, mix together equal amounts of lavender and anise seed and pour the boiling water over 1 tsp. of the mixture. Let the tea sit for about 5 minutes before straining it. Drinking 8 oz. of the tea in the morning and at night will help treat acid reflux. Try adding a small amount of honey as a sweetener. Some versions of anise and lavender tea also call for peppermint, but acid reflux users should never use peppermint because it can actually make the condition worse.
Herbal Remedies
Apple Cider Vinegar
Anise and Lavendar Tea