Equine Training Jobs
- Training horses can be very satisfying, but can also be physically demanding.portrait chevalin image by Francis Lemp??ri?¡§re from Fotolia.com
Becoming an equine trainer can be a satisfying career, but it demands a lot of physical fitness and long hours in any kind of weather. Before you choose a career as an equine trainer, you need to know what options are available to you, in order to make the best choice for personal goals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, animal trainers in general made an average of $27,270 as of 2008, and the top 10 percent of earners made over $51,400. - Most horse breeders have a discipline where they train horses to be examined being shown in a halter or bridle. This division is called "Halter" or sometimes "Sporthorse" or "Showmanship". Each breed has its own requirements as far as how a horse stands, moves, and is examined. Becoming this kind of trainer requires the horse to be incredibly fit and in top show condition, and the trainer to be able to physically show the horse as required.
- Training in the English division requires a great deal of previous experience and years worth of riding, often with their experience being measure in decades. English horses are usually judged on movement, manners, perfection in turnout, and spirit, as well as lofty gaits. To be a trainer in this classification requires a huge amount of investment in time and training. Once an English trainer has an established reputation and several major wins under their belt, they can expect to earn a good living, but only after 10 to 20 years of hands-on work. Being a top English trainer takes a lifetime of commitment to this division.
- Western trainers cover everything from Working Cow Horse and ranch work to Western Pleasure show horses. Training in this can be as varied as being a cowboy on working cattle ranch to a top paid Cutting Horse trainer showing at the highest paid Western shows in the country. Depending on the position, this can be a division where beginners can start out, or where years of expertise turn you into a top paid trainer. Beginning trainers are often paid subsistence wages and usually are provided housing as part of their payment. Becoming a top Western trainer can only happen with major wins in the show ring.
Halter Trainer
English Trainer