Products to Kill Fleas In-Home
- If your pet is the source of the fleas, then make sure you treat your pet first. Your vet should have several solutions to get rid of fleas, such as a flea bath or dip, a medication that is absorbed through the skin, and a flea collar. Once treatment is complete, watch out for re-infestation.
- One type of product available on the market for treating fleas, or any type of insect infestation in the home, is a bug bomb (sometimes called a fogger). A bug bomb is a set of canisters placed in several rooms of the house. The canisters are activated, and they spray a "fog" in the air that permeates the entire house, killing live insects and eggs.
The instructions for bug bombing must be followed exactly. You will need to leave your home for several hours while the bombing is in progress and a period of time after for the air to clear. You will need to cover anything that will come in contact with food or eating utensils, like your dish drainer. Remove all pets from the home, including fish. You will need to wash clothing and bedding that is exposed to the chemicals. - Instead of using a bug bomb and exposing your entire home to chemicals, use 20 Mule Team Borax. Borax, or sodium borate, is a naturally-occurring mineral substance. Sprinkle it on your carpet or wherever your pet sleeps, brush the carpet to make sure that it gets into the carpet, leave on for 24 hours, and then vacuum it up. Do this every 3 days until fleas are gone. Do not allow the Borax to come in direct contact with your pet or children. Its effects are unknown.
Other products are available, including sprays and powders. Your local pet store or hardware store will be able to offer suggestions on products. - Ensure that any bedding that is exposed to fleas is thoroughly washed in hot water. Wash clothing, rugs and towels as well, especially if they have been in direct contact with your pet or near their sleeping areas. Vacuum the carpet every few days until the problem resolves, and change the bag in the vacuum each time.
Treat Your Pet
Bug Bomb
Flea-Killing Products
Wash Bedding and Vacuum