Choosing the Right Pet Sitter
At some point, we all have to leave our pets in the care and hands of others. You could finally be going on your dream vacation, have to travel for work, or have to deal with an illness that doesn't allow you to care for your pet. Some people rely on family, friends and neighbors, but this may not be the best option. Some may feel imposed on, not know how to really care for your pet, or may even be busy themselves. This is why finding a reliable pet sitter is so important. Just how do you choose the right one for you and your pet?
You may want to ask for recommendations from friends and family, or even your pet groomer. If you are coming up empty handed, however, you may want to turn your sites to the Internet. You are sure to find a lot of different sitters, from the amateur with very little experience to the professional with a fully decked out website. You'll want to find someone who fits your budget, but who is also the best candidate for the job.
A good quality website should tell you things, such as how long the company has been in business, the types of pets they sit, which can be from cats and dogs all the way to bird, ferrets and even horses and more. Many will list out exactly what their services offer. Do you want someone to do an overnight, where they stay in the home with your pet? Do you prefer a single visit during the day for walks and affection, or does your pet require multiple visits? Find the service you require and see what the total cost will be so that you can determine your budget.
You will also want to look at a sitter's qualifications. Many have been trained in CPR for pets, and many will know how to administer first aid. If you have an older or sick pet that requires special medications, foods, or treatments, you will also want to ensure that the sitter can handle these things with ease.
If you have found a company that seems worthy, don't be afraid to call and talk to someone so that you can get a feel for the company. Some even offer free in person interviews, so that you can see how they interact with your pet. See how your pet reacts to these new people, and in the end, always go with your gut instincts.
Why Pet Owners Should Have a Trusted Sitter for Their Pets
You may want to ask for recommendations from friends and family, or even your pet groomer. If you are coming up empty handed, however, you may want to turn your sites to the Internet. You are sure to find a lot of different sitters, from the amateur with very little experience to the professional with a fully decked out website. You'll want to find someone who fits your budget, but who is also the best candidate for the job.
A good quality website should tell you things, such as how long the company has been in business, the types of pets they sit, which can be from cats and dogs all the way to bird, ferrets and even horses and more. Many will list out exactly what their services offer. Do you want someone to do an overnight, where they stay in the home with your pet? Do you prefer a single visit during the day for walks and affection, or does your pet require multiple visits? Find the service you require and see what the total cost will be so that you can determine your budget.
You will also want to look at a sitter's qualifications. Many have been trained in CPR for pets, and many will know how to administer first aid. If you have an older or sick pet that requires special medications, foods, or treatments, you will also want to ensure that the sitter can handle these things with ease.
If you have found a company that seems worthy, don't be afraid to call and talk to someone so that you can get a feel for the company. Some even offer free in person interviews, so that you can see how they interact with your pet. See how your pet reacts to these new people, and in the end, always go with your gut instincts.
Why Pet Owners Should Have a Trusted Sitter for Their Pets