Exercise and Movement for a Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
You would think that when you get arthritis that your movement is limited.
To some extent that is true, but one of the best things you can do for yourself if you find arthritis creeping into your life is to keep moving, probably even more than before! The reason for this is that gentle movements actually help arthritis as the exercise keeps the joints supple and allows for easier flexibility.
Two of the best rheumatoid arthritis treatments that you can do to assist with your joint flexibility are to exercise with slow deliberate movements, there are two I recommend, and both are extremely low impact and can be done from the comfort of your own home, without incurring any fees or joining any classes.
These are Yoga and Tai Chi.
There are many different DVD's and books which can be purchased that will give you some very good examples of how to do these two wonderful and healing forms of exercise.
Many people who begin either Yoga or Tai Chi report that their rheumatoid arthritis is much better and the pain is more manageable.
Rheumatoid arthritis treatment in the form of these exercises and are kept up and done regularly, the benefits can be enormous.
They leave you with a sense of well being, satisfaction and they tone your body and your mind as well.
One of the best small investments I ever made was when I bought my Yoga mat.
This allows me to do my yoga postures without having to lie down on a cold or hard floor surface and it also supports my skeleton therefore keeping any pressure to a minimum and allowing me complete comfort to complete my routine.
You can also perform your Tai Chi moves outside in the fresh morning air; it is the very best way to start your day! As every single part of you benefits, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually you will feel in perfect synergy and this will all be of tremendous benefit to the overall improvement of any rheumatoid arthritis that you have.
Try it...
go on...
you will be glad you did.
To some extent that is true, but one of the best things you can do for yourself if you find arthritis creeping into your life is to keep moving, probably even more than before! The reason for this is that gentle movements actually help arthritis as the exercise keeps the joints supple and allows for easier flexibility.
Two of the best rheumatoid arthritis treatments that you can do to assist with your joint flexibility are to exercise with slow deliberate movements, there are two I recommend, and both are extremely low impact and can be done from the comfort of your own home, without incurring any fees or joining any classes.
These are Yoga and Tai Chi.
There are many different DVD's and books which can be purchased that will give you some very good examples of how to do these two wonderful and healing forms of exercise.
Many people who begin either Yoga or Tai Chi report that their rheumatoid arthritis is much better and the pain is more manageable.
Rheumatoid arthritis treatment in the form of these exercises and are kept up and done regularly, the benefits can be enormous.
They leave you with a sense of well being, satisfaction and they tone your body and your mind as well.
One of the best small investments I ever made was when I bought my Yoga mat.
This allows me to do my yoga postures without having to lie down on a cold or hard floor surface and it also supports my skeleton therefore keeping any pressure to a minimum and allowing me complete comfort to complete my routine.
You can also perform your Tai Chi moves outside in the fresh morning air; it is the very best way to start your day! As every single part of you benefits, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually you will feel in perfect synergy and this will all be of tremendous benefit to the overall improvement of any rheumatoid arthritis that you have.
Try it...
go on...
you will be glad you did.