Home Theater Speaker System
It is common knowledge that the first home theater speaker system appeared in the middle of the 90s.
Nowadays all home theater systems have turned into real multimedia systems.
Moreover high-class facilities and rightly planned installation allow the owner of the home theater to confirm that this system makes more of an impression than a big commercial cinema.
At the same time everything depends not on the quality of the equipment but also on the accuracy of its set-up, on the size and decoration of the room, on the audience layout and so on.
It is not a secret that for a man who has no training and special knowledge it is very difficult to install home theatre in a right way.
Speaking more precise, it is impossible.
In my article I want to tell you how to place acoustic system and all of its components and in a right way and also about right audience layout.
The main task is to meet conditions of the right installation for which meant modern equipment and speakers.
And only in this case your home speaker system will present you with full-fledged surrounding sounding - captivating and three-dimensional.
In spite of the fact that there is a great variety of home speaker systems of surrounding sounds, mass distribution got only two of them: 5.
1 and 7.
First figure means the number of general sound acoustic systems and the second figure after dot means the number of channels of sub woofers.
All modern phonograms have only one low-frequency channel, because a modern man doesn't perceive a source of sound with acoustic frequency less than 100 Hz.
The ideal installation of all acoustic system is when the audience sits in the center of virtual circle along which all the parts of acoustic system are placed.
This is 5.
1 variant.
The 7.
1 variant is the same but there are 4 speakers: so-called side surround and rear surround.
Both of them are placed in pairs.
Nowadays all home theater systems have turned into real multimedia systems.
Moreover high-class facilities and rightly planned installation allow the owner of the home theater to confirm that this system makes more of an impression than a big commercial cinema.
At the same time everything depends not on the quality of the equipment but also on the accuracy of its set-up, on the size and decoration of the room, on the audience layout and so on.
It is not a secret that for a man who has no training and special knowledge it is very difficult to install home theatre in a right way.
Speaking more precise, it is impossible.
In my article I want to tell you how to place acoustic system and all of its components and in a right way and also about right audience layout.
The main task is to meet conditions of the right installation for which meant modern equipment and speakers.
And only in this case your home speaker system will present you with full-fledged surrounding sounding - captivating and three-dimensional.
In spite of the fact that there is a great variety of home speaker systems of surrounding sounds, mass distribution got only two of them: 5.
1 and 7.
First figure means the number of general sound acoustic systems and the second figure after dot means the number of channels of sub woofers.
All modern phonograms have only one low-frequency channel, because a modern man doesn't perceive a source of sound with acoustic frequency less than 100 Hz.
The ideal installation of all acoustic system is when the audience sits in the center of virtual circle along which all the parts of acoustic system are placed.
This is 5.
1 variant.
The 7.
1 variant is the same but there are 4 speakers: so-called side surround and rear surround.
Both of them are placed in pairs.