Change Your Vibration and Life Through Music!
In many cultures, wisdom and traditions, the universe was set in motion by sound and vibration.
Because of this, it was believed that sound could be used to enhance one's connection to Source energy, the Divine, God (or whatever name you choose to call it).
Chanting, drumming and music in many other forms became important ways to transcend from the physical world into the spiritual realm of the Divine.
In this transcended state, people were rewarded with healings, clear guidance and other spiritual gifts to aid them on their journeys.
Thousands of years later, science is proving these old mystical practices to have merit.
Where, in the past, we thought that everything around us was solid, we are discovering that everything is in fact energy and that this energy is vibrating at different frequencies.
Science has proven that our thoughts also have vibrations and produce a frequency and these thoughts and vibrations draw unto us our life experiences and situations (through the "Law of Attraction".
) We are told to visualize, use positive affirmations, affirmative prayer and other types of positive talk to change our vibration so that we can create and attract our desires.
The problem is that these tools focus on only the conscious mind and that they don't produce consistent results.
That is because the conscious mind is only a small aspect of who and what we are.
In the classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talks about the necessity of bypassing the conscious mind and imprinting our desires into the subconscious.
It is there that true and lasting change takes place.
There is the birthplace of all manifestation and creation.
The iceberg is an excellent metaphor to explain this.
The tip of the iceberg that is above the water is the conscious mind and everything we experience in the physical universe.
Below the water level is that vast and unknown region called the subconscious mind.
Stored within this region is the programming that runs our life.
These are the limiting beliefs, false perceptions and unsupportive thoughts that limit us and attract things that are contradictory to our conscious desires.
If the conscious mind desires something but the subconscious doesn't match those beliefs, there will be struggle and it will be next to impossible to create one's desired outcome.
For example, if on a conscious level you desire an ideal, uplifting and loving relationship, but there is ALSO a belief or perception that doesn't believe you deserve it or that men or women can't be trusted, it will be impossible for you to attract the type of relationship you truly want.
They cancel each other out.
How can we change what we don't know is there? Through vibration and frequencies in certain types of music...
A few years ago scientists (including Quantum Physicists) discovered vibrations and frequencies in my music that remove the "interrupters" that inhibit our connection to Source - this field of pure potentiality, the very energy that makes up the physical universe.
These scientists were able to demonstrate an instant measurable improvement in physical strength, health and vitality whenever people played my music! Through brain mapping they were able to show that my music created a brain state associated with heightened consciousness and reduced stress.
They were also able to show that my music reduced the negative effects of "energy interrupters.
" "Energy interrupters" are anything that stops us from being able to tap into Source energy or our full potential.
These scientists believe that the over 60,000 man-made chemicals in our air, food and water and the electro-magnetic fields produced by our electrical technology are in fact limiting our connection to that field of pure potentiality.
The only way for humanity to reach its full potential is to enhance their connection to Source energy and their tests proved that my music is one amazingly simple way/tool to aid in this reconnection.
One of the head Quantum Physicists told me that out of all the "energy interrupters" in the universe, the most powerful interrupter is our own limiting thoughts and beliefs and that our thoughts and beliefs carve our reality, physical body and life experience.
All of these limiting thoughts produced a vibration that attract "like" experiences and are the root cause of negative situations in our life and our health.
As a child I used to get upset that God never answered my prayers offering me guidance on what I needed to work on.
Today I believe we get these answers everyday in our outer experiences.
If we struggle with our weight, have relationship problems or have money issues (for example), each is a sign that points to what needs to be changed within ourselves.
These are the notifications from the subconscious telling us what needs to be worked upon for our own evolution and growth.
AND growth and evolution is the name of the game! After these scientists made these remarkable discoveries about my music, my music itself began to evolve and grow.
As a consequence, in my coaching work, I started composing music to certain blocks, limiting thoughts and false perceptions that many of my clients had in similar about life.
(I found that we all have contradictory beliefs that get in the way of helping us easily and effortlessly create our desired results.
) I called this new prescription type music "Harmonic Alignment.
" In the formation of the Harmonic Alignment process, I looked at what was showing up in my client's life and the major challenges they were facing.
Through this process and my client's willingness to change, I started composing application specific pieces of music addressing these issues.
Some examples include: Forgiveness, Self Love, Gratitude, Worthiness, Grounding - just to name a few.
Within days my clients were seeing amazing results and breakthroughs in their lives! Financial opportunities showed up, people started to have romantic opportunities and their health dramatically improved.
Through the Harmonic Alignment process I'm able to produce offsetting frequencies that null and void the negative effects of many limiting thoughts and beliefs.
For example, let's say I had a thought in my subconscious that said I am not good enough and that this thought produced a frequency of +4.
Through the Harmonic Alignment process I discovered that I could produce a -4 vibration, offsetting the effects of the limiting thought, thereby changing the vibration of the individual.
I now create musical prescriptions and personal musical mantras for my clients to help them produce the vibration they are seeking.
Change your vibration and you instantly change your life! Once we change our vibration, we open the door for miracles to occur and for us to step into our power and ability to effortlessly create our desired results and open the door for more joy and lasting fulfillment! Change does not have to be a difficult and drawn out process.
In fact, it can happen instantly! I had a client that had major issues around the subject of creating a relationship.
One day she confronted me and said, "You expect me to do nothing and have this man simply walk up to my door and knock?" A week later she called me in the middle of the day to let me know that she had met the most interesting man and that he had literally walked up to her door and knocked! She was amazed.
On top of that, through the work I was able to demonstrate how her energy had shifted and that her voice was producing the same frequencies as the music and that SHE was actually empowering people through her voice.
As a coach and CFO she was now impacting the people she worked with in positive ways she had never dreamed possible! Another client had a rental property that had been empty for over six months.
Her bills and expenses were doubling and she was dealing with a huge amount of stress and anxiety.
Through the process, she discovered certain beliefs that were negatively impacting her ability to sell or lease the property.
Through the Harmonic Alignment musical prescriptions she was able to over write those limiting beliefs and perceptions.
Within a week she leased her place with minimal effort.
She continued to use the music to sell a piece of land and later to help her quickly recover from major surgery.
We live in rapidly changing times and sound is emerging as a powerful tool for empowering our lives.
Now through the power of the Harmonic Alignment music you can literally change your vibration by offsetting the limiting thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that are preventing you from realizing and utilizing your magnificence, divinity and infinite power.
Now by simply playing music in the environment you can begin to create a more vital, successful, healthy, passionate and fulfilling life!
Because of this, it was believed that sound could be used to enhance one's connection to Source energy, the Divine, God (or whatever name you choose to call it).
Chanting, drumming and music in many other forms became important ways to transcend from the physical world into the spiritual realm of the Divine.
In this transcended state, people were rewarded with healings, clear guidance and other spiritual gifts to aid them on their journeys.
Thousands of years later, science is proving these old mystical practices to have merit.
Where, in the past, we thought that everything around us was solid, we are discovering that everything is in fact energy and that this energy is vibrating at different frequencies.
Science has proven that our thoughts also have vibrations and produce a frequency and these thoughts and vibrations draw unto us our life experiences and situations (through the "Law of Attraction".
) We are told to visualize, use positive affirmations, affirmative prayer and other types of positive talk to change our vibration so that we can create and attract our desires.
The problem is that these tools focus on only the conscious mind and that they don't produce consistent results.
That is because the conscious mind is only a small aspect of who and what we are.
In the classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talks about the necessity of bypassing the conscious mind and imprinting our desires into the subconscious.
It is there that true and lasting change takes place.
There is the birthplace of all manifestation and creation.
The iceberg is an excellent metaphor to explain this.
The tip of the iceberg that is above the water is the conscious mind and everything we experience in the physical universe.
Below the water level is that vast and unknown region called the subconscious mind.
Stored within this region is the programming that runs our life.
These are the limiting beliefs, false perceptions and unsupportive thoughts that limit us and attract things that are contradictory to our conscious desires.
If the conscious mind desires something but the subconscious doesn't match those beliefs, there will be struggle and it will be next to impossible to create one's desired outcome.
For example, if on a conscious level you desire an ideal, uplifting and loving relationship, but there is ALSO a belief or perception that doesn't believe you deserve it or that men or women can't be trusted, it will be impossible for you to attract the type of relationship you truly want.
They cancel each other out.
How can we change what we don't know is there? Through vibration and frequencies in certain types of music...
A few years ago scientists (including Quantum Physicists) discovered vibrations and frequencies in my music that remove the "interrupters" that inhibit our connection to Source - this field of pure potentiality, the very energy that makes up the physical universe.
These scientists were able to demonstrate an instant measurable improvement in physical strength, health and vitality whenever people played my music! Through brain mapping they were able to show that my music created a brain state associated with heightened consciousness and reduced stress.
They were also able to show that my music reduced the negative effects of "energy interrupters.
" "Energy interrupters" are anything that stops us from being able to tap into Source energy or our full potential.
These scientists believe that the over 60,000 man-made chemicals in our air, food and water and the electro-magnetic fields produced by our electrical technology are in fact limiting our connection to that field of pure potentiality.
The only way for humanity to reach its full potential is to enhance their connection to Source energy and their tests proved that my music is one amazingly simple way/tool to aid in this reconnection.
One of the head Quantum Physicists told me that out of all the "energy interrupters" in the universe, the most powerful interrupter is our own limiting thoughts and beliefs and that our thoughts and beliefs carve our reality, physical body and life experience.
All of these limiting thoughts produced a vibration that attract "like" experiences and are the root cause of negative situations in our life and our health.
As a child I used to get upset that God never answered my prayers offering me guidance on what I needed to work on.
Today I believe we get these answers everyday in our outer experiences.
If we struggle with our weight, have relationship problems or have money issues (for example), each is a sign that points to what needs to be changed within ourselves.
These are the notifications from the subconscious telling us what needs to be worked upon for our own evolution and growth.
AND growth and evolution is the name of the game! After these scientists made these remarkable discoveries about my music, my music itself began to evolve and grow.
As a consequence, in my coaching work, I started composing music to certain blocks, limiting thoughts and false perceptions that many of my clients had in similar about life.
(I found that we all have contradictory beliefs that get in the way of helping us easily and effortlessly create our desired results.
) I called this new prescription type music "Harmonic Alignment.
" In the formation of the Harmonic Alignment process, I looked at what was showing up in my client's life and the major challenges they were facing.
Through this process and my client's willingness to change, I started composing application specific pieces of music addressing these issues.
Some examples include: Forgiveness, Self Love, Gratitude, Worthiness, Grounding - just to name a few.
Within days my clients were seeing amazing results and breakthroughs in their lives! Financial opportunities showed up, people started to have romantic opportunities and their health dramatically improved.
Through the Harmonic Alignment process I'm able to produce offsetting frequencies that null and void the negative effects of many limiting thoughts and beliefs.
For example, let's say I had a thought in my subconscious that said I am not good enough and that this thought produced a frequency of +4.
Through the Harmonic Alignment process I discovered that I could produce a -4 vibration, offsetting the effects of the limiting thought, thereby changing the vibration of the individual.
I now create musical prescriptions and personal musical mantras for my clients to help them produce the vibration they are seeking.
Change your vibration and you instantly change your life! Once we change our vibration, we open the door for miracles to occur and for us to step into our power and ability to effortlessly create our desired results and open the door for more joy and lasting fulfillment! Change does not have to be a difficult and drawn out process.
In fact, it can happen instantly! I had a client that had major issues around the subject of creating a relationship.
One day she confronted me and said, "You expect me to do nothing and have this man simply walk up to my door and knock?" A week later she called me in the middle of the day to let me know that she had met the most interesting man and that he had literally walked up to her door and knocked! She was amazed.
On top of that, through the work I was able to demonstrate how her energy had shifted and that her voice was producing the same frequencies as the music and that SHE was actually empowering people through her voice.
As a coach and CFO she was now impacting the people she worked with in positive ways she had never dreamed possible! Another client had a rental property that had been empty for over six months.
Her bills and expenses were doubling and she was dealing with a huge amount of stress and anxiety.
Through the process, she discovered certain beliefs that were negatively impacting her ability to sell or lease the property.
Through the Harmonic Alignment musical prescriptions she was able to over write those limiting beliefs and perceptions.
Within a week she leased her place with minimal effort.
She continued to use the music to sell a piece of land and later to help her quickly recover from major surgery.
We live in rapidly changing times and sound is emerging as a powerful tool for empowering our lives.
Now through the power of the Harmonic Alignment music you can literally change your vibration by offsetting the limiting thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that are preventing you from realizing and utilizing your magnificence, divinity and infinite power.
Now by simply playing music in the environment you can begin to create a more vital, successful, healthy, passionate and fulfilling life!