How to Change a Good Old Boy School Administration
- 1). Write a petition against the current school committee or the principal and vice-principal and have it signed by local parents of the school system. Send it to the school's superintendent when you feel you have a powerful number of signatures, which will vary depending on the school size.
- 2). Educate the public about the poor policies of the good old boy administration as well as the positive and constructive policies of those working against it or those vying to replace the members. Write brief synopses of each candidate, old and new, and print them on pamphlets. Distribute the pamphlets at local grocery stores, sporting events, town meetings, candidate debates and election polls.
- 3). Distribute fliers with the information to local newspapers, television networks and radio stations. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Seek out the local reporters who cover education and the local school system and approach them with the shortcomings of the school administration.
- 4). Confront members of the good old boy administration at local town meetings or school committee meetings. Ask questions about their policies and priorities publicly.
- 5). Run for a position in the school committee yourself if there is no one in your community willing to stand up against the good old boy administration. Recommend any preferable candidates to fill principal or vice-principal positions to the superintendent by sending him their resumes.