Can Impatiens Be Indoor Plants?
- Indoor impatiens grow best if planted in a planting medium that is well-draining, according to Iowa State University. Use a potting soil that contains peat moss, perlite or sphagnum moss. Or, use a potting mixture that is soilless, such as one that is composed primarily of shredded bark.
- Water enough so that the soil is moist, but not soggy. Otherwise, your impatiens might suffer from root rot. Plants that are too dry will drop their flowers and leaves. Place the pot in a bright or partially shaded location, but not in direct sunlight, as these plants do not like hot growing conditions.
- Impatiens grown indoors in containers need extra nutrients. Fertilize your impatiens once a month with a balanced (10-10-10) water-soluble plant food.
Planting Medium
Watering and Light