How to Cite the NIV
- 1). Format your in-paragraph citation in the following manner if you are using APA citation style:
(5 Cor. 5:14 New International Version)
If you continue to cite from the NIV, all subsequent citations do not need to specify from which edition of the Bible you are citing. For example:
(6 Cor. 5:17) - 2). Format your citation in the following manner if you are adhering to MLA guidelines:
(New International Version, 5 Cor. 5.14)
As with APA citation style, once you have identified the edition, you do not need to do so in subsequent citations. These should appear in the following format:
(5 Cor. 5.17) - 3). Format your citation in the following manner if you are following Chicago or Turabian style guidelines:
(Cor. 5:14 New International Version)
In subsequent citations, you only need to cite the chapter and verse. For example:
(Cor. 5:17)