Success and Understanding About Laminitis, Cushings and IR
First let me say that every study in equine medicine agrees on one thing, they don't quite know what causes laminitis.
They have found everything from grain overload to retained placenta in a mare, too much protein and recently sugar is now thought to be the number one cause..
But the bottom line still holds "they don't know!" Luckily I have been able to help horses recover from laminitis, IR, cushings and founder over the years.
It is my opinion through my years of experience, that these conditions are one in the same.
I believe founder, laminitis, cushings and IR are all the same illness at different stages.
Facts: Horses are herbivores, this has been confirmed by science.
According to Webster herbivore is an adjective.
Etomology: from latin herba "grass" + vorus - "eating" Date 1661.
Definition = "A living animal that eats only plants.
Such as goats, sheep and HORSES.
" Horses have derived over millions of years to consume fresh live plant life and vegetation.
Evidence of horses existence is provided by fossils, traced from the Eocene period, some 60 million years ago.
Their long necks and specially designed teeth allow them to graze for grasses, plants, and other vegetation.
Today many scientific experts are stating that grass is bad and harmful for horses, this theory is coming from the scientific minds that recognizes horses as herbivores.
Sit back and think about that for a moment.
It is because of this scientific opinion that many horse owners are preventing their horses from eating grass.
It is believed the sugar levels found in the grass is harmful, thus causing diseases such as laminitis, cushings, IR and founder.
Now I am not a veterinarian or a scientist or a doctor, but I am an intelligent women and it is my opinion that this theory is false.
It is the arrogance that assumes a higher knowledge than nature that I find most harmful.
Horses are equines, along with donkeys and Zebras.
Zebras, being the one equine still considered wild.
They are not being afflicted with cushings, laminitis, IR or founder when they stop to eat a patch of fresh green grass.
It is my belief it is the lack of grass and live enzyme enriched fresh food that is a contributing factor in these unfortunate conditions.
Many of my clients who are on my program are recoveries of cushings, laminits, IR and founder, they eat a variety of beautiful fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain high levels of natural sugar.
My clients are also on individually designed herbal blends to clear their bodies of harmful toxins and free radicals such as fungus and parasites which cause viruses, diseases and chronic illnesses.
It is my firm belief that laminits and founder is nothing more than a symptom created by the overload of fungus in the horses system caused by the lack of proper nutrition as well as; medications, chemically manufactured supplements, and vaccinations.
A combination of such invasive, unnatural substances will cause a break down in the immune system and supply the body with harmful invaders, which the body is then unable to fight off.
Today our horses are kept in artificial environments and confined to limited areas.
We are unable to provide them with hundreds of acres filled with a healthy variety of vegetation for them to graze upon in order to meet all of their metabolic requirements and seek out natural detoxification elements.
The common alternative being: horse feeds, grains, and supplements.
Nature and all it holds can never be identically duplicated by man made supplements.
When horses are being fed artificially and then allowed to graze in the spring, their bodies are finally being fed the required enzyme enriched vegetation their system needs to function properly.
This allows their immune system to wake up and activate, allowing the metabolic structure to react in an attempt to heal itself, which is what nature designed the body to do.
The fungus and toxins, in the system, which has now multiplied due to artificially feeding programs, is now being forced out and affecting the hooves.
A healing process is much different from symptom control.
A healing process/crisis is an elimination of harmful invaders which are inflicting the body.
Horses will most commonly push out these toxins through the intestines, eyes, nose, skin and hooves.
One of the most misunderstood natural occurrence; is an actual healing process.
This process is always misdiagnosed as a "symptom of illness" that must be suppressed and managed.
Symptom control procedures are then provided through medications, and "managing" a disease is then put into effect.
Ironically the contributing factor of these conditions is the lack of enzyme- enriched natural foods and the ongoing chemically infused feeds, supplements, and medications.
Pergolide, which is the number one medication used on cushings horses, was originally prescribed to treat parkinson's disease in people.
The Food and Drug Administration announced that the makers of pergolide must remove the drug from the market because it was damaging the patient's heart valves and causing some patients to die.
The drug is now considered illegal and cannot be used on people.
However, for the past 20 years veterinarians have been prescribing it "off label" for the treatment of cushings in horses.
Note: The US laws" allow veterinarians to prescribe human-approved only drugs for animals.
" Pergolide has been taken off the shelf and is still considered an illegal drug today.
Since it is the belief and practice of the equine scientific and veterinarian community to find ways to "manage and maintain" disease, they are seeking out ways to legalize the use of pergolide in horses despite the dangers.
Maintaining a disease along with symptom control is much different than an actual healing process.
I prefer helping the horse to recover from the illness.
There are many healing qualities in selected raw fresh fruits and vegetables.
Many foods contain components, which have been proven to contain disease-preventing properties.
Specific herbs have been used for millions of years to combat harmful toxins in the body and build a strong immune system.
Through my years of helping horses recover from Laminits, Cushings and IR, I do not believe it to be grass, which horses have been designed to consume for over 60 million years, causing these unfortunate conditions.
The correct combination of herbs, which is designed specifically for your horse, will combat these harmful invaders so your horse is able to recover.
Nutrition is the key to healing and prevention.
Health for your horse can easily be achieved through the proper combination of fresh whole foods and natural herbs.
Fresh live food including grasses, which nature has designed their bodies to consume and thrive on, will provide your horses with health, vitality and a very strong immune system.
Do not allow your horse to be among the alarming and growing statistics.
The focus should be on maintaining wellness in our horses not managing illness and disease.
Achieving the highest level of excellence in our horses heath and well being as well as the privilege of providing them with a quality of life, is an obligation and responsibility we have to them when they come into our care.
How you can help your horses Recover from Cushings, Laminits, Founder and IR..
Written by: Lisa St.
John of Lavender Sage Equine Inc.
September, 2009
They have found everything from grain overload to retained placenta in a mare, too much protein and recently sugar is now thought to be the number one cause..
But the bottom line still holds "they don't know!" Luckily I have been able to help horses recover from laminitis, IR, cushings and founder over the years.
It is my opinion through my years of experience, that these conditions are one in the same.
I believe founder, laminitis, cushings and IR are all the same illness at different stages.
Facts: Horses are herbivores, this has been confirmed by science.
According to Webster herbivore is an adjective.
Etomology: from latin herba "grass" + vorus - "eating" Date 1661.
Definition = "A living animal that eats only plants.
Such as goats, sheep and HORSES.
" Horses have derived over millions of years to consume fresh live plant life and vegetation.
Evidence of horses existence is provided by fossils, traced from the Eocene period, some 60 million years ago.
Their long necks and specially designed teeth allow them to graze for grasses, plants, and other vegetation.
Today many scientific experts are stating that grass is bad and harmful for horses, this theory is coming from the scientific minds that recognizes horses as herbivores.
Sit back and think about that for a moment.
It is because of this scientific opinion that many horse owners are preventing their horses from eating grass.
It is believed the sugar levels found in the grass is harmful, thus causing diseases such as laminitis, cushings, IR and founder.
Now I am not a veterinarian or a scientist or a doctor, but I am an intelligent women and it is my opinion that this theory is false.
It is the arrogance that assumes a higher knowledge than nature that I find most harmful.
Horses are equines, along with donkeys and Zebras.
Zebras, being the one equine still considered wild.
They are not being afflicted with cushings, laminitis, IR or founder when they stop to eat a patch of fresh green grass.
It is my belief it is the lack of grass and live enzyme enriched fresh food that is a contributing factor in these unfortunate conditions.
Many of my clients who are on my program are recoveries of cushings, laminits, IR and founder, they eat a variety of beautiful fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain high levels of natural sugar.
My clients are also on individually designed herbal blends to clear their bodies of harmful toxins and free radicals such as fungus and parasites which cause viruses, diseases and chronic illnesses.
It is my firm belief that laminits and founder is nothing more than a symptom created by the overload of fungus in the horses system caused by the lack of proper nutrition as well as; medications, chemically manufactured supplements, and vaccinations.
A combination of such invasive, unnatural substances will cause a break down in the immune system and supply the body with harmful invaders, which the body is then unable to fight off.
Today our horses are kept in artificial environments and confined to limited areas.
We are unable to provide them with hundreds of acres filled with a healthy variety of vegetation for them to graze upon in order to meet all of their metabolic requirements and seek out natural detoxification elements.
The common alternative being: horse feeds, grains, and supplements.
Nature and all it holds can never be identically duplicated by man made supplements.
When horses are being fed artificially and then allowed to graze in the spring, their bodies are finally being fed the required enzyme enriched vegetation their system needs to function properly.
This allows their immune system to wake up and activate, allowing the metabolic structure to react in an attempt to heal itself, which is what nature designed the body to do.
The fungus and toxins, in the system, which has now multiplied due to artificially feeding programs, is now being forced out and affecting the hooves.
A healing process is much different from symptom control.
A healing process/crisis is an elimination of harmful invaders which are inflicting the body.
Horses will most commonly push out these toxins through the intestines, eyes, nose, skin and hooves.
One of the most misunderstood natural occurrence; is an actual healing process.
This process is always misdiagnosed as a "symptom of illness" that must be suppressed and managed.
Symptom control procedures are then provided through medications, and "managing" a disease is then put into effect.
Ironically the contributing factor of these conditions is the lack of enzyme- enriched natural foods and the ongoing chemically infused feeds, supplements, and medications.
Pergolide, which is the number one medication used on cushings horses, was originally prescribed to treat parkinson's disease in people.
The Food and Drug Administration announced that the makers of pergolide must remove the drug from the market because it was damaging the patient's heart valves and causing some patients to die.
The drug is now considered illegal and cannot be used on people.
However, for the past 20 years veterinarians have been prescribing it "off label" for the treatment of cushings in horses.
Note: The US laws" allow veterinarians to prescribe human-approved only drugs for animals.
" Pergolide has been taken off the shelf and is still considered an illegal drug today.
Since it is the belief and practice of the equine scientific and veterinarian community to find ways to "manage and maintain" disease, they are seeking out ways to legalize the use of pergolide in horses despite the dangers.
Maintaining a disease along with symptom control is much different than an actual healing process.
I prefer helping the horse to recover from the illness.
There are many healing qualities in selected raw fresh fruits and vegetables.
Many foods contain components, which have been proven to contain disease-preventing properties.
Specific herbs have been used for millions of years to combat harmful toxins in the body and build a strong immune system.
Through my years of helping horses recover from Laminits, Cushings and IR, I do not believe it to be grass, which horses have been designed to consume for over 60 million years, causing these unfortunate conditions.
The correct combination of herbs, which is designed specifically for your horse, will combat these harmful invaders so your horse is able to recover.
Nutrition is the key to healing and prevention.
Health for your horse can easily be achieved through the proper combination of fresh whole foods and natural herbs.
Fresh live food including grasses, which nature has designed their bodies to consume and thrive on, will provide your horses with health, vitality and a very strong immune system.
Do not allow your horse to be among the alarming and growing statistics.
The focus should be on maintaining wellness in our horses not managing illness and disease.
Achieving the highest level of excellence in our horses heath and well being as well as the privilege of providing them with a quality of life, is an obligation and responsibility we have to them when they come into our care.
How you can help your horses Recover from Cushings, Laminits, Founder and IR..
Written by: Lisa St.
John of Lavender Sage Equine Inc.
September, 2009