How to Plant Jacaranda Seeds in Florida
- 1). Soak your jacaranda seeds in a bowl of water for one day to facilitate germination. Push the seeds into the water with your finger, as their light weight keeps them on the surface.
- 2). Fill compartments in a cell pack with seedling mix, one for each jacaranda seed. Leave 3/4 inch between the surface and the rim. Hydrate the soil thoroughly until excess water runs out of the drainage holes and the surface is evenly moist.
- 3). Remove the jacaranda seeds from the bowl of water after 24 hours. Push each one ¼ inch deep into the soil and cover it with the seedling mix. Germination takes two weeks. Maintain the soil moist to prevent the embryos from drying out and dying.
- 4). Transplant saplings to a location that's spacious enough to accommodate a 40-foot-tall tree with an equal or wider spread. This tree also requires full sun for blooming.