Article Marketing As A Very Effective Traffic Generator
- 1.
The best way to get to that point is to do research before you write.
Gather as much information as possible about the subject.
When you collect the information, do it in the most intelligent way by using a keyword research tool, such as Google's external keyword tool.
The tool will give you information about the most popular words that the public type into the search engines that are related to that topic.
So when you write, write about those particular key words.
This will result in articles that are relevant and informative to the public, and will establish you as an authority in the reader's mind and cause him to trust you.
Hence when you ask him to click through to your website for more info, he will be more than inclined to do so.
If you simply ramble on almost incoherently in your article, and sound like you are not at all informed about the subject, then not only will he not be motivated to click through to your site, but most likely he will stop reading after the first one or two paragraphs.
- 2.
Create A Compelling Title
In fact, it's what entices him to your article to begin with.
Create a title that will grab attention and cause the reader to want to find out more.
The title must be simple, not too long, and must use basic, easy to understand language.
Do not be tempted to use big words in the title.
If your article is of a technical nature that requires the use of big, complicated words, save those for the body of the writing.
The title itself must appeal to the largest number of people, including both those who are technically sophisticated and those who are not.
Once they get into the meat of the article, then if it's of a technical nature, they will sort themselves out as they read on.
- There Is Even More To This
But these two points will most certainly get you off to a good start, and will guarantee that your efforts bring about the result that you wish for, which is to get the readers to click on your links and visit your web site.
If you need help writing articles, go to http://www.