Garlic Cures for Arthritis
- The use of garlic to treat medical ailments dates back to the early Egyptian times. Albert Schweitzer, M.D. used garlic in an African clinic to treat dysentery, typhus and cholera in the 1950s. Garlic was used to disinfect war wounds and to protect against injuries turning gangrene during WWII. Today's research shows that garlic may be effective in protecting against cancer and heart disease.
Garlic can be used to treat bacterial infections, such as yeast infections and bladder infections. For centuries, it has been an effective natural cure and treatment for yeast infections. Women have long since inserted toes of garlic into their vaginal areas overnight in order to treat and clear up a yeast infection. Garlic may also be able to ward off stomach ulcers and may help protect against the food-borne bacteria Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus and Listeria. - Garlic contains anti-inflammatory properties, so it helps reduce arthritis. The garlic can be eaten throughout the day in raw form or cooked form. It is a very effective home remedy for arthritis. If you're not too keen on eating garlic all day, you can purchase garlic tablets from your local pharmacy or health food store. These tablets do not create the garlic aftertaste or garlic breath that so many people dread.
- When using garlic tablets or pills, take the recommended daily amount. When adding garlic to your food on a day-to-day basis, eat it as much as possible (with snacks and meals). Most people find it effective to eat two or three cloves of garlic a day. You can buy fresh or raw garlic, which is considered to be the most effective, or you can also purchase garlic, which has been pre-minced in a jar. This garlic is stored in garlic juice. You can either add the diced pieces or the juice directly to your meals and salads.
History of Garlic Medicinal Uses
Why Does Garlic Protect Against Arthritis?
How Much Garlic Do You Need?