The Three Rules of Penis Enlargement - Advice From a Gambler Who Loves The Ladies (No Space Cowboy)
I have only one vice and that is that I like to play Blackjack.
Well, that's not entirely true, as my other vice is really women.
But that's not really a vice, that's the greatest gift from God as far as I can tell.
In my book, women make life worth living for a man who loves women.
And I do.
Anyway, that's where I got the nickname "Blackjack" and that's because I love to play blackjack.
Yes, I know gambling isn't the best of things a man should be doing but I do know my limitations.
Even though I am a bit of a gambler, there is no way I would ever gamble on penis enlargement.
Let's talk about that.
I like my penis and he is my friend.
That may sound stupid but it's the truth.
He takes care of me and I take care of him.
We are one and the same.
I get the feeling that he's sort of a smaller version of myself.
Sometimes sensitive, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, and always ready for a bit of excitement or spelunking (that's fancy language for cave exploration).
Now, with my little pardner always by my side, ready to go exploring with me, the last thing I want to do is bring any potential harm or dissatisfaction to him.
After all, it's up to me to look after him.
So, I'll admit, I'm a bit choosy with the lady friends I introduce him to.
The last thing I want is him to be mad at me for introducing him to some little bacterial or viral critter that will give him a headache.
In other words: I play it safe.
Of course, everything can usually be improved upon in life.
This is what the human race is all about.
We're not just satisfied with living in some cave.
Absolutely not.
We have to build skyscrapers and mansions to live in.
Which is great; you know, to each his own.
Why settle for mediocrity when you can have the best? So, it just makes sense that men would stumble upon the idea of enlarging their penises and wonder what it might take to enlarge their little friends.
Why not? If we can shoot a rocket and put a man on the moon then we should be able to enlarge our penises...
Really, can it be that impossible to do? Well, that's where the gambler in me comes in.
But this is also where Mr.
Sensible enters the scene.
You see, there are methods out there that can help you enlarge your penis, but they don't always give you the results you want.
Imagine enlarging your penis to realize that it won't function any longer!? Imagine enlarging your penis only to lose the wonderful feeling and sensation that God has given to him and you!? You can see where I'm going with this.
There are ways to enlarge your penis that have a degree of risk to them.
I won't spell them out because it's not polite to speak of others when they are not present to represent themselves.
The bottom line is that you can figure out for yourself what techniques for penis enlargement have a high degree of risk.
It's called common sense.
Use it and you will be surprised at how much easier your life will be.
So, back to penis enlargement and gambling.
The truth is I'm not going to gamble with my penis.
This is why, after I did my research, that I felt that the method of enlargement that uses regular penis exercises is the way to go.
Yes, this is what I decided.
However, I will tell you something from experience.
Don't go crazy with this stuff.
Take your time.
"Low and Slow," as we say, when you want to make the perfect barbecue.
Take it easy.
This isn't some competition you are in.
You're not going to get a trophy to put on your shelf if you are the Fastest Guy in the West to enlarge himself.
Just like gambling, remember this proverb: "If you must gamble, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.
" To you and me and our penises, that means: 1) Learn the best way to enlarge yourself 2) Figure out what it's going to cost to enlarge yourself 3) Know when to fold those cards if you aren't getting results or see no improvement in your program Not that I'm the smartest guy walking around, but I try to live my life by these rules.
Just like dating a woman: Find out what she's REALLY like as a person, see what it will take to make her happy and see if you can fulfill those needs, and have the sense to realize that if she is really out of your league, then you're best off finding another sweetheart to love and please.
This is true grit, I tell you.
I've seen too many of my friends sacrifice all they had to try and impress some sexy filly that there was no way they could possibly ever impress.
Use your big brain.
You know, the one in your skull and not the one in your boxers.
Now, to tell you some of my own personal wisdom, if you want to go about enlarging your penis, then you need to catch a ride on the Natural Penis Enlargement Train that's zooming through your city just as you read this! A comfy seat on this train puts YOUR own skills at work and lets you be the BOSS of your enlargement program.
You're not relying on anyone else, any sort of pills or stuff, and you are in total control of monitoring what's going on.
Now that's something that every sensible and logical man really wants.
You are in the driver's seat.
You are the engineer on this penis-enlargement train.
Your destination is WHEREVER You Want To Go! That sounds great, doesn't it? But it gets better; as with Rule #2 - It won't cost you much.
Start by doing some research on the Internet or get a good and reliable book on the subject.
It should cost you less than a full tank of gas.
And finally, since you are in control, you'll be able to monitor your own improvements to extract the best bits out of your exercise cycle.
You'll be able to gauge what exercises you need to perform to get the most out of your exercising, or you'll have the sense to find some form of enlargement that will give you the results you really need.
Taking responsibility for your own work and effort means that it is up to you and only you to get improvements.
Tell the Space Cowboys to take a hike on another train.
Men should never be led around and be told what to do.
With stuff like the Internet available to us, it's only a fool that goes around doing dumb things anymore.
There are no more excuses, guys, for screwing up.
Most of us have the time to research anything we want, all from the comfort of our favorite chair, right in front of our computers with a cold beer at our command.
Do your homework and find out what's best for you.
This isn't like playing the game of hide and seek; this stuff is easier to find than you can imagine.
Don't gamble with enlarging your penis.
That's a fact from me, Blackjack.
Well, that's not entirely true, as my other vice is really women.
But that's not really a vice, that's the greatest gift from God as far as I can tell.
In my book, women make life worth living for a man who loves women.
And I do.
Anyway, that's where I got the nickname "Blackjack" and that's because I love to play blackjack.
Yes, I know gambling isn't the best of things a man should be doing but I do know my limitations.
Even though I am a bit of a gambler, there is no way I would ever gamble on penis enlargement.
Let's talk about that.
I like my penis and he is my friend.
That may sound stupid but it's the truth.
He takes care of me and I take care of him.
We are one and the same.
I get the feeling that he's sort of a smaller version of myself.
Sometimes sensitive, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, and always ready for a bit of excitement or spelunking (that's fancy language for cave exploration).
Now, with my little pardner always by my side, ready to go exploring with me, the last thing I want to do is bring any potential harm or dissatisfaction to him.
After all, it's up to me to look after him.
So, I'll admit, I'm a bit choosy with the lady friends I introduce him to.
The last thing I want is him to be mad at me for introducing him to some little bacterial or viral critter that will give him a headache.
In other words: I play it safe.
Of course, everything can usually be improved upon in life.
This is what the human race is all about.
We're not just satisfied with living in some cave.
Absolutely not.
We have to build skyscrapers and mansions to live in.
Which is great; you know, to each his own.
Why settle for mediocrity when you can have the best? So, it just makes sense that men would stumble upon the idea of enlarging their penises and wonder what it might take to enlarge their little friends.
Why not? If we can shoot a rocket and put a man on the moon then we should be able to enlarge our penises...
Really, can it be that impossible to do? Well, that's where the gambler in me comes in.
But this is also where Mr.
Sensible enters the scene.
You see, there are methods out there that can help you enlarge your penis, but they don't always give you the results you want.
Imagine enlarging your penis to realize that it won't function any longer!? Imagine enlarging your penis only to lose the wonderful feeling and sensation that God has given to him and you!? You can see where I'm going with this.
There are ways to enlarge your penis that have a degree of risk to them.
I won't spell them out because it's not polite to speak of others when they are not present to represent themselves.
The bottom line is that you can figure out for yourself what techniques for penis enlargement have a high degree of risk.
It's called common sense.
Use it and you will be surprised at how much easier your life will be.
So, back to penis enlargement and gambling.
The truth is I'm not going to gamble with my penis.
This is why, after I did my research, that I felt that the method of enlargement that uses regular penis exercises is the way to go.
Yes, this is what I decided.
However, I will tell you something from experience.
Don't go crazy with this stuff.
Take your time.
"Low and Slow," as we say, when you want to make the perfect barbecue.
Take it easy.
This isn't some competition you are in.
You're not going to get a trophy to put on your shelf if you are the Fastest Guy in the West to enlarge himself.
Just like gambling, remember this proverb: "If you must gamble, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.
" To you and me and our penises, that means: 1) Learn the best way to enlarge yourself 2) Figure out what it's going to cost to enlarge yourself 3) Know when to fold those cards if you aren't getting results or see no improvement in your program Not that I'm the smartest guy walking around, but I try to live my life by these rules.
Just like dating a woman: Find out what she's REALLY like as a person, see what it will take to make her happy and see if you can fulfill those needs, and have the sense to realize that if she is really out of your league, then you're best off finding another sweetheart to love and please.
This is true grit, I tell you.
I've seen too many of my friends sacrifice all they had to try and impress some sexy filly that there was no way they could possibly ever impress.
Use your big brain.
You know, the one in your skull and not the one in your boxers.
Now, to tell you some of my own personal wisdom, if you want to go about enlarging your penis, then you need to catch a ride on the Natural Penis Enlargement Train that's zooming through your city just as you read this! A comfy seat on this train puts YOUR own skills at work and lets you be the BOSS of your enlargement program.
You're not relying on anyone else, any sort of pills or stuff, and you are in total control of monitoring what's going on.
Now that's something that every sensible and logical man really wants.
You are in the driver's seat.
You are the engineer on this penis-enlargement train.
Your destination is WHEREVER You Want To Go! That sounds great, doesn't it? But it gets better; as with Rule #2 - It won't cost you much.
Start by doing some research on the Internet or get a good and reliable book on the subject.
It should cost you less than a full tank of gas.
And finally, since you are in control, you'll be able to monitor your own improvements to extract the best bits out of your exercise cycle.
You'll be able to gauge what exercises you need to perform to get the most out of your exercising, or you'll have the sense to find some form of enlargement that will give you the results you really need.
Taking responsibility for your own work and effort means that it is up to you and only you to get improvements.
Tell the Space Cowboys to take a hike on another train.
Men should never be led around and be told what to do.
With stuff like the Internet available to us, it's only a fool that goes around doing dumb things anymore.
There are no more excuses, guys, for screwing up.
Most of us have the time to research anything we want, all from the comfort of our favorite chair, right in front of our computers with a cold beer at our command.
Do your homework and find out what's best for you.
This isn't like playing the game of hide and seek; this stuff is easier to find than you can imagine.
Don't gamble with enlarging your penis.
That's a fact from me, Blackjack.