Learn How To Raise Your Own Egg Laying Chickens And Build Your Own Chicken Coop For Them
Choosing to become more self reliant and raise your own egg laying chickens is a wonderful plan however it does mean that you will need to learn how to build a chicken coop.
In the beginning, when I made the decision to begin raising egg laying chickens I was totally unprepared and I'm sure I made every mistake you could potentially make. I literally decided that I would love to raise chickens in my backyard after visiting my friend who has a flock of chickens.
I came home that day completely excited about having egg laying chickens scratching around in my backyard and was able to forget that I had no clue how to build a chicken coop! I purchased my original set of chicks online and eagerly awaited their arrival. Needless to say, it was a disaster from the start. But I don't want to bore you with details.
Needless to say, once I realized that I had to figure out how to build a chicken coop, I panicked! I have always preferred to try and figure out how to do things without any help but honestly, I had never built anything as large as a chicken coop, hen house, chicken hen house or whatever you want to call it.
So I drove to my local hardware store where I found a few pitiful kits that I could order. But after considering the unoriginal designs, I decided that I wanted something more unique. I didn't want my chicken coop to look like everyone else's chicken coop. It's not that I had to have anything big and fancy but I wanted it to be unique and I really liked the idea of finding chicken coop blueprints online and building it myself.
I made the decision to find something different. I eventually had no choice but to cave in and ask my father to help me read the chicken coop blueprints. Luckily for me, he can build just about anything and he also had lots of great ideas that we were able to incorporate. I was really pleased with the final results and my chickens and roosters love it. As a matter of fact, I ended up building three smaller chicken coops and runs because I was always needing someplace to keep bickering chickens or new chicks or injured hens, etc. I even have one hen house that I use to raise my chicks in once they are ready to be turned lose with the rest of the flock.
Raising your own egg laying chickens is a great way to become more self reliant and less dependent on your local grocery store. You will never get rich from raising chickens in your back yard but I love knowing where my food is coming from.
In the beginning, when I made the decision to begin raising egg laying chickens I was totally unprepared and I'm sure I made every mistake you could potentially make. I literally decided that I would love to raise chickens in my backyard after visiting my friend who has a flock of chickens.
I came home that day completely excited about having egg laying chickens scratching around in my backyard and was able to forget that I had no clue how to build a chicken coop! I purchased my original set of chicks online and eagerly awaited their arrival. Needless to say, it was a disaster from the start. But I don't want to bore you with details.
Needless to say, once I realized that I had to figure out how to build a chicken coop, I panicked! I have always preferred to try and figure out how to do things without any help but honestly, I had never built anything as large as a chicken coop, hen house, chicken hen house or whatever you want to call it.
So I drove to my local hardware store where I found a few pitiful kits that I could order. But after considering the unoriginal designs, I decided that I wanted something more unique. I didn't want my chicken coop to look like everyone else's chicken coop. It's not that I had to have anything big and fancy but I wanted it to be unique and I really liked the idea of finding chicken coop blueprints online and building it myself.
I made the decision to find something different. I eventually had no choice but to cave in and ask my father to help me read the chicken coop blueprints. Luckily for me, he can build just about anything and he also had lots of great ideas that we were able to incorporate. I was really pleased with the final results and my chickens and roosters love it. As a matter of fact, I ended up building three smaller chicken coops and runs because I was always needing someplace to keep bickering chickens or new chicks or injured hens, etc. I even have one hen house that I use to raise my chicks in once they are ready to be turned lose with the rest of the flock.
Raising your own egg laying chickens is a great way to become more self reliant and less dependent on your local grocery store. You will never get rich from raising chickens in your back yard but I love knowing where my food is coming from.