How to Treat Depression Safely and Permanently
There are more than 30 million sufferers of depression across the globe annually and this number is thought to increase exponentially if not dealt with properly.
Remember that you are not alone and it is very important to nip this problem in the bud before it manifest to a more serious predicament.
Take action now before you allow this common mental ailment to affect your work and social life.
The more effective methods to treat depression will be the focus of this article but will need your personal actions to achieve satisfying results.
Symptoms of Depression More often than not, people misconstrue the real symptoms of depression and they think that what they are suffering from are just mood swings or the blues.
If you suffer from any of these symptoms below on a weekly basis, then it's time to take action now.
The more common symptoms are intense feeling of sadness, self-guilt, worthlessness, inability to focus, losing interest in you previous hobbies, feeling tired all the time, losing or gaining weight dramatically and so on.
Insomnia has proved to play a part as a common symptom as well.
Alternative Remedies To Treat Depression Popularly known herbal supplements such as St Johns Wart and Ginkgo Biloba are wonderful natural treatments and will boost the overall health and energy for you.
These herbs when used in conjunction will provide the best effects available in herbal supplementation.
Other herbal remedies such as Kava Kava provide a person with relaxation and contentment.
It allows you to be more focused and increases your mental alertness and awareness but the effects will wear off after a few hours leading to drowsiness, so remember to be in a position to rest comfortably.
It should not be used with other medication or by people with a bad liver.
Besides that, herbal teas such as red raspberry tea balances the hormones in your body and you will achieve a sooth and calm personal environment.
Goal Setting and Progress Planning To Treat Depression Depression is often caused by unrealistic expectations that sufferers heap upon themselves.
When they do not achieve or receive results that they are expecting, they tend to feel worthless and self-depreciating.
What you need to do is to set your goals in a more realistic manner and should be according to what you can do rather than what you think you can do.
Break large project into smaller milestones is a great way of setting goals.
Do as much as you can and give yourself a break if the project takes longer than expected.
Progress planning refers to keeping a diary and constant vigilance on how and what you are feeling when completing the projects.
Write down your successes no matter how minor you perceive it to be and you will gain momentum in developing your self confidence in no time.
Exercise and Your Diet Plays an Important Role You must find time to exercise at least three times a week and half an hour per period to allow your brain to release endorphins to make you feel relaxed and upbeat.
Meals always taste better after exercise and more importantly; you attain a sense of achievement after each session.
Never skips meals and ensure that you maintain a healthy diet which is rich in all nutritional values.
Don't go for extreme diets which focus on one particular group such as pure protein diets or fruit juices that seem to be all the rage nowadays.
If possible, stay away from all processed food as the chemicals inside will only encourage your depression.
Remember that you are not alone and it is very important to nip this problem in the bud before it manifest to a more serious predicament.
Take action now before you allow this common mental ailment to affect your work and social life.
The more effective methods to treat depression will be the focus of this article but will need your personal actions to achieve satisfying results.
Symptoms of Depression More often than not, people misconstrue the real symptoms of depression and they think that what they are suffering from are just mood swings or the blues.
If you suffer from any of these symptoms below on a weekly basis, then it's time to take action now.
The more common symptoms are intense feeling of sadness, self-guilt, worthlessness, inability to focus, losing interest in you previous hobbies, feeling tired all the time, losing or gaining weight dramatically and so on.
Insomnia has proved to play a part as a common symptom as well.
Alternative Remedies To Treat Depression Popularly known herbal supplements such as St Johns Wart and Ginkgo Biloba are wonderful natural treatments and will boost the overall health and energy for you.
These herbs when used in conjunction will provide the best effects available in herbal supplementation.
Other herbal remedies such as Kava Kava provide a person with relaxation and contentment.
It allows you to be more focused and increases your mental alertness and awareness but the effects will wear off after a few hours leading to drowsiness, so remember to be in a position to rest comfortably.
It should not be used with other medication or by people with a bad liver.
Besides that, herbal teas such as red raspberry tea balances the hormones in your body and you will achieve a sooth and calm personal environment.
Goal Setting and Progress Planning To Treat Depression Depression is often caused by unrealistic expectations that sufferers heap upon themselves.
When they do not achieve or receive results that they are expecting, they tend to feel worthless and self-depreciating.
What you need to do is to set your goals in a more realistic manner and should be according to what you can do rather than what you think you can do.
Break large project into smaller milestones is a great way of setting goals.
Do as much as you can and give yourself a break if the project takes longer than expected.
Progress planning refers to keeping a diary and constant vigilance on how and what you are feeling when completing the projects.
Write down your successes no matter how minor you perceive it to be and you will gain momentum in developing your self confidence in no time.
Exercise and Your Diet Plays an Important Role You must find time to exercise at least three times a week and half an hour per period to allow your brain to release endorphins to make you feel relaxed and upbeat.
Meals always taste better after exercise and more importantly; you attain a sense of achievement after each session.
Never skips meals and ensure that you maintain a healthy diet which is rich in all nutritional values.
Don't go for extreme diets which focus on one particular group such as pure protein diets or fruit juices that seem to be all the rage nowadays.
If possible, stay away from all processed food as the chemicals inside will only encourage your depression.