4 Things I Do to Make Myself Feel Good When I Am Depressed
ONE Ring a friend.
When I am feeling down often I can pick up the phone and ring a friend and suddenly my mind is off how I feel and I am listening to some other persons feeling.
With questions and a talkative friend you can have a conversation that lasts up to an hour.
Having a friend that you can ring in these times when you feel a bit low is a good thing.
I have a friend that Has Bipolar disorder like me so he understands when I feel low and empathises with me.
TWO Go out for a coffee with a friend or with a good book You might not have a friend to go out to coffee with but taking a good book is always fun.
It's good to shout yourself a nicely brewed coffee and a smile and a little chat to the people at the coffee shop that you are a regular at is always something that puts a little smile on my face.
There is something about rich brewed coffee at you favourite coffee shop.
The people are great, the coffee goes down well and it isn't too expensive.
It gets you out of the house for an hour or so.
THREE Go see a movie I don't know about you but for me a movie is wonderful escapism.
Better then just a TV screen you are all in the dark with a great big screen.
If you are like me also sometimes when I am really sad I will pick a really emotional movie so I have can have a nice big cry without anyone hearing me or seeing me in the loud dark cinema.
Just going into another persons life for a couple of hours can stop that mind whirring over and over keeping you worried and feeling down.
FOUR Go visit a friend My friend with Bipolar has a bad back and does not often leave his house.
I can go over and spend many hours over there watching DVDs and cable TV and chatting.
He enjoys the company and I enjoy being out and watching a few movies on cable for free.
Often when we a depressed we struggle to do all these things that I have listed.
We are more prone to staying in bed, withdrawing from the world and suffering all alone.
But we mustn't we must go out and meet life and let our experiences lighten our
When I am feeling down often I can pick up the phone and ring a friend and suddenly my mind is off how I feel and I am listening to some other persons feeling.
With questions and a talkative friend you can have a conversation that lasts up to an hour.
Having a friend that you can ring in these times when you feel a bit low is a good thing.
I have a friend that Has Bipolar disorder like me so he understands when I feel low and empathises with me.
TWO Go out for a coffee with a friend or with a good book You might not have a friend to go out to coffee with but taking a good book is always fun.
It's good to shout yourself a nicely brewed coffee and a smile and a little chat to the people at the coffee shop that you are a regular at is always something that puts a little smile on my face.
There is something about rich brewed coffee at you favourite coffee shop.
The people are great, the coffee goes down well and it isn't too expensive.
It gets you out of the house for an hour or so.
THREE Go see a movie I don't know about you but for me a movie is wonderful escapism.
Better then just a TV screen you are all in the dark with a great big screen.
If you are like me also sometimes when I am really sad I will pick a really emotional movie so I have can have a nice big cry without anyone hearing me or seeing me in the loud dark cinema.
Just going into another persons life for a couple of hours can stop that mind whirring over and over keeping you worried and feeling down.
FOUR Go visit a friend My friend with Bipolar has a bad back and does not often leave his house.
I can go over and spend many hours over there watching DVDs and cable TV and chatting.
He enjoys the company and I enjoy being out and watching a few movies on cable for free.
Often when we a depressed we struggle to do all these things that I have listed.
We are more prone to staying in bed, withdrawing from the world and suffering all alone.
But we mustn't we must go out and meet life and let our experiences lighten our