How to Install Buffalo WLI-U2-KG54L on Ubuntu
- 1). Navigate to the Linux Wireless website using your Web browser (see Resources). Scroll halfway down the page, and click the link below "Where to download bleeding edge" to download the latest version of the driver package.
- 2). Click "Dash," navigate through "More Apps" and "Accessories," and then click "Terminal" to open a terminal in Ubuntu.
- 3). Type "cd /Downloads" to move to your download directory. Type "tar jxvf (exact file name).tar.bz2" to extract the file. Type "./scripts/driver-select restore" to enable all available wireless drivers.
- 4). Type "cd compat-wireless-$(date -I)" and "make" to compile the driver. Type "sudo make install" to install the driver. Reboot your system.