What Are the Risks in Downloading Documents & Software?
- Trojans, viruses and worms are malicious programs that attack computers in several ways. If you download an email attachment that contains one malicious program, that software can send itself to everyone in your email contact list. Once your recipients receive your unsolicited email, the embedded virus may repeat the cycle. This creates a domino effect where more and more Internet users receive the virus and transmit it. To prevent this from happening, do not open attachments if you do not know who sent them.
- Spyware does not harm your computer, but it can track your Internet activity. Some spyware programs cause your browser to display ads related to the websites you visit. Other spyware programs keep statistics on your surfing habits. These programs also may change your home page, redirect your browser to sites that you do not want to visit and display unwanted pop-up windows. You can infect your computer with spyware by downloading software that contains it. To reduce the risk of getting a spyware infection, do not download software from questionable sources. Look for software that says "No Spyware" on the download site.
- Malevolent viruses can wipe out your hard drive. You can get them by downloading software that contains embedded malware. The famous "I Love You" virus paralyzed computers in 2000 when computer users downloaded email attachments that contained the virus. This virus deleted many of their multimedia files such as videos and audio. Protect your computer by using a good anti-virus program that runs continuously. Do not download and install software from sources that you do not trust.
- Downloading infected programs and documents can rob you of money, possessions and even your identity. Imagine a stranger standing over your shoulder monitoring everything that you type. This would include private passwords, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers and even sensitive business information. A keylogger is a program that monitors keystrokes. Businesses and parents use these programs to monitor employees and children. If you download a program or document that contains a keylogger, that keylogger can capture your information and forward it to someone else on the Internet. Downloading wisely and scanning for keyloggers periodically can prevent this from happening. Many ordinary anti-virus programs do not detect keyloggers. Look for protection software that explicitly says "Anti-keylogger" on the label.
Risk of Spamming
Unwanted Advertising
Harm to Your Computer
Loss of Possessions