More Top Tips For Writing a Novel
In this article, we'll explore 5 top tips for writing a novel.
But before we do, I want to emphasize upfront: A tip here or there will not provide you with enough information to help you write a novel.
You need more.
Try an online course, for instance.
Or seek out the guidance of a professional writer.
Anything more substantial than a few quick tips.
Okay, no more lecturing.
The truth is ...
a few solid tips can provide you with the motivation to get started and a rough idea of how to start.
So here are some new ones for you ...
1: Use Your Own Voice It's tempting to try to mimic the voice of a writer you admire.
Most writers are readers first.
They come to the craft by way of appreciation for the talents of others.
So it's not uncommon to try to write in the same voice as someone you've been reading.
However, you're doing yourself and your readers a tremendous disservice.
The world doesn't need another Stephen King or Ray Bradbury or Janet Evanovich.
Readers want new voices, fresh voices.
Give them what they want.
2: If Keeping A Journal Helps, Keep A Journal I'm not a journal writer.
I do have friends who not only keep journals but swear by them.
If you enjoy keeping a journal and it doesn't distract from your novel writing, then keep a journal.
If you don't enjoy keeping a journal, don't keep one.
The danger with a journal is that it's always easier to sit outside under a tree and write about your take on the world or how your life is going or this great description of an elderly woman you saw at the market last Tuesday, and ...
never work on your novel.
So be careful if you keep a journal.
Be aware when you're using it as a means of avoiding your novel writing.
3: First Names Don't Belong In Your Dialogue This is a pet peeve of David Morrell, a wonderful writer.
Too often in dialogue (this is especially true in the dialogue you hear on television or in the movies), people use first names.
Here's an example: "I don't know, Joe, what do you think? Seems like, you know, Joe, you're always pushing things to the limit.
" The truth is this: if you spend time listening to people talk in real life, you'll almost never hear them address each other by name.
The conversation would really go like this: "I don't know, what do you think? Seems like, you know, you're always pushing things to the limit.
" So the tip: always minimize your use of fist names in dialogue.
4: Edit With The Story In Mind One of the most difficult tasks you'll encounter as a writer is editing your work honestly.
You'll know when you encounter a passage or a scene that doesn't move the story forward, that you know you could cut without affecting any other elements.
But do you have the toughness to cut it? What if it's beautifully written? What if you put your heart and soul into it? Could you still cut it? It's hard to cut your own work, especially when you're proud of what you've written.
Bottom line: does the passage contribute to the story? If it doesn't, face up to it, cut it and move on.
5: Don't Worry So Much If you're going to write a novel, enjoy the process, especially the first draft.
Don't worry about if it'll all work out in the end.
Writing isn't permanent.
You can change anything.
Allow yourself to write for the pure joy of the process.
Your novel will be better for it.
There they are, five more tips for writing a novel.
Straightforward and to the point.
Take them for what they're worth.
Keep them in mind when you're writing, but don't let them get in the way of your words flowing freely.
And as I previously mentioned, if you truly want to write a novel, a good novel writing course can help you write a better novel, and write it quicker.
But before we do, I want to emphasize upfront: A tip here or there will not provide you with enough information to help you write a novel.
You need more.
Try an online course, for instance.
Or seek out the guidance of a professional writer.
Anything more substantial than a few quick tips.
Okay, no more lecturing.
The truth is ...
a few solid tips can provide you with the motivation to get started and a rough idea of how to start.
So here are some new ones for you ...
1: Use Your Own Voice It's tempting to try to mimic the voice of a writer you admire.
Most writers are readers first.
They come to the craft by way of appreciation for the talents of others.
So it's not uncommon to try to write in the same voice as someone you've been reading.
However, you're doing yourself and your readers a tremendous disservice.
The world doesn't need another Stephen King or Ray Bradbury or Janet Evanovich.
Readers want new voices, fresh voices.
Give them what they want.
2: If Keeping A Journal Helps, Keep A Journal I'm not a journal writer.
I do have friends who not only keep journals but swear by them.
If you enjoy keeping a journal and it doesn't distract from your novel writing, then keep a journal.
If you don't enjoy keeping a journal, don't keep one.
The danger with a journal is that it's always easier to sit outside under a tree and write about your take on the world or how your life is going or this great description of an elderly woman you saw at the market last Tuesday, and ...
never work on your novel.
So be careful if you keep a journal.
Be aware when you're using it as a means of avoiding your novel writing.
3: First Names Don't Belong In Your Dialogue This is a pet peeve of David Morrell, a wonderful writer.
Too often in dialogue (this is especially true in the dialogue you hear on television or in the movies), people use first names.
Here's an example: "I don't know, Joe, what do you think? Seems like, you know, Joe, you're always pushing things to the limit.
" The truth is this: if you spend time listening to people talk in real life, you'll almost never hear them address each other by name.
The conversation would really go like this: "I don't know, what do you think? Seems like, you know, you're always pushing things to the limit.
" So the tip: always minimize your use of fist names in dialogue.
4: Edit With The Story In Mind One of the most difficult tasks you'll encounter as a writer is editing your work honestly.
You'll know when you encounter a passage or a scene that doesn't move the story forward, that you know you could cut without affecting any other elements.
But do you have the toughness to cut it? What if it's beautifully written? What if you put your heart and soul into it? Could you still cut it? It's hard to cut your own work, especially when you're proud of what you've written.
Bottom line: does the passage contribute to the story? If it doesn't, face up to it, cut it and move on.
5: Don't Worry So Much If you're going to write a novel, enjoy the process, especially the first draft.
Don't worry about if it'll all work out in the end.
Writing isn't permanent.
You can change anything.
Allow yourself to write for the pure joy of the process.
Your novel will be better for it.
There they are, five more tips for writing a novel.
Straightforward and to the point.
Take them for what they're worth.
Keep them in mind when you're writing, but don't let them get in the way of your words flowing freely.
And as I previously mentioned, if you truly want to write a novel, a good novel writing course can help you write a better novel, and write it quicker.