Stop A Dog From Jumping - 9 Simple Steps To Get Great Results
Dogs jumping on people is very common but can become a serious dog problem. You are flattered and find it very cute when your adorable puppy struggles to jump up on you. The immediate reaction is to take him up onto your lap. If not sorted while he is young, this problem can become annoying, harder to stop as he gets older and even dangerous. Big dog breeds can frighten people and cause physical injury to them when knocked to the ground. Children can get very scared and your family and friends may stop visiting you because your dog keeps destroying their clothes or scratching their skin.
Stopping a dog from jumping:
1. Your dog must see you as the alpha dog or pack leader in your family, and know he must always obey you. You are the human and he is an animal. A pack member should never jump up on the alpha dog. Stay calm and do not get angry with your dog. Do more alpha dog training with him.
2. Do not be over excited when you greet your dog. This will get him all worked up and excited too. You want him to calm down. Ignore him for a few minutes when you walk into your house. If you stay relaxed then he will relax.
3. Lack of exercise can cause your dog to jump, as he is trying to get rid of his excess energy. He may get really excited when he thinks he is going outside for a walk. Never begin a walk until your dog is calm and quiet.
4. It is a lot easier if your dog already knows a basic command like "sit". When he responds correctly to this command then teach him the "off" command. Say "off" every time your dog tries to jump up. The best time for teaching your dog a new command is after plenty of exercise.
5. Turn your back on your dog the moment he jumps up on you. Do not talk to him, do not touch him and do not look at him until he is quiet, and has all four paws on the ground. When he does the right thing, give him lots of praise and tell him what a great dog he is. Give him a small treat. Your reaction to him putting his paws on the floor must be instantaneous, so he can associate the connection between standing quietly on the floor and your praise and treat. Consistency is vital. He will soon learn that the correct behaviour gets your attention and a treat.
6. A dog leash can be used to control your dog jumping up on people. Put your foot on his leash so he has enough length in it to start a jump but only for a few inches. Every time he jumps up at you or other people, he will get a tug from his leash and will not be able to jump all the way. Give him the "off" command as he attempts to jump. Praise him and give him a treat when he is sitting or standing quietly on the ground. Remember, dogs learn by repetition, consistency and positive reinforcement.
7. When your dog jumps up, catch his paws in both hands and hold them. You could gently stretch them, but be careful not to hurt him. Do Not squeeze his paws tightly. He will start to feel off balance and struggle to free his paws. Hold on a little longer and then, as you release him, say "off". Praise and reward him when he is standing calmly and quietly on the ground. Be consistent. Do it the same way every time.
8. Do not jump back from your dog, pushing him away and calling him by his name to stop his jumping. He will see this as an exciting game. He is getting your attention and hears you call his name. This is what he wants. All this excitement is fun to him so he will keep doing it. Never reward your dog for bad behaviour as the problem will only get worse.
9. Most dogs do not like water squirted at them. Keep a toy squirt gun with you in situations where your dog is most likely to jump up. This could be when you first arrive home, when you are about to take him for a walk or at feeding time. Give him a squirt of water and say "off" at the exact same moment. He will associate you squirting him with water when ever he jumps up. He also learns what the "off" command means. Do not squirt the water into his face or eyes.
Teaching a command correctly and being consistent in your training every day will result in you having a well mannered dog. You will be proud to take him anywhere, knowing he will obey you.
Stopping a dog from jumping:
1. Your dog must see you as the alpha dog or pack leader in your family, and know he must always obey you. You are the human and he is an animal. A pack member should never jump up on the alpha dog. Stay calm and do not get angry with your dog. Do more alpha dog training with him.
2. Do not be over excited when you greet your dog. This will get him all worked up and excited too. You want him to calm down. Ignore him for a few minutes when you walk into your house. If you stay relaxed then he will relax.
3. Lack of exercise can cause your dog to jump, as he is trying to get rid of his excess energy. He may get really excited when he thinks he is going outside for a walk. Never begin a walk until your dog is calm and quiet.
4. It is a lot easier if your dog already knows a basic command like "sit". When he responds correctly to this command then teach him the "off" command. Say "off" every time your dog tries to jump up. The best time for teaching your dog a new command is after plenty of exercise.
5. Turn your back on your dog the moment he jumps up on you. Do not talk to him, do not touch him and do not look at him until he is quiet, and has all four paws on the ground. When he does the right thing, give him lots of praise and tell him what a great dog he is. Give him a small treat. Your reaction to him putting his paws on the floor must be instantaneous, so he can associate the connection between standing quietly on the floor and your praise and treat. Consistency is vital. He will soon learn that the correct behaviour gets your attention and a treat.
6. A dog leash can be used to control your dog jumping up on people. Put your foot on his leash so he has enough length in it to start a jump but only for a few inches. Every time he jumps up at you or other people, he will get a tug from his leash and will not be able to jump all the way. Give him the "off" command as he attempts to jump. Praise him and give him a treat when he is sitting or standing quietly on the ground. Remember, dogs learn by repetition, consistency and positive reinforcement.
7. When your dog jumps up, catch his paws in both hands and hold them. You could gently stretch them, but be careful not to hurt him. Do Not squeeze his paws tightly. He will start to feel off balance and struggle to free his paws. Hold on a little longer and then, as you release him, say "off". Praise and reward him when he is standing calmly and quietly on the ground. Be consistent. Do it the same way every time.
8. Do not jump back from your dog, pushing him away and calling him by his name to stop his jumping. He will see this as an exciting game. He is getting your attention and hears you call his name. This is what he wants. All this excitement is fun to him so he will keep doing it. Never reward your dog for bad behaviour as the problem will only get worse.
9. Most dogs do not like water squirted at them. Keep a toy squirt gun with you in situations where your dog is most likely to jump up. This could be when you first arrive home, when you are about to take him for a walk or at feeding time. Give him a squirt of water and say "off" at the exact same moment. He will associate you squirting him with water when ever he jumps up. He also learns what the "off" command means. Do not squirt the water into his face or eyes.
Teaching a command correctly and being consistent in your training every day will result in you having a well mannered dog. You will be proud to take him anywhere, knowing he will obey you.