The history behind vax wet dry vacuum cleaners
Vax are a brand of vacuum and carpet cleaning products made by the Hong Kong based Techronic Industries Company Limited.
Vax was formed in the 1970s by Alan Brazier and the first product to be successfully branded and produced were wet and dry cleaners. The basic concept of the machine was to reproduce the effectiveness of the industrial wet floor cleaner for the residential home so normal; people could use it and see the same results as commercial business owners had been seeing with heir industrial cleaners. As no other company had thought of inventing wet dry vacuum cleaners, it was the first vacuum cleaner in the entire world that washed carpets and that everyday people cold use in their very own homes effectively.
What made it so good was that it was the answer to many household dilemmas, this kind of vacuum had the ability to clean any kind of carpets by dripping cleaning liquid onto the surface and then clean and vacuum the floor. It really had the ability to take in large amounts of liquids and combine it with the job of carpet washing, dry sweeping and make it a multi-faceted machine capable of combining these three activities into one for the normal household. The way this was achieved was to reimaging how the features used for industrial cleaners could be reapplied on a smaller scale for a household and then designs some clever new innovation for the cleaning brush head design to enable it to be multi-faceted and able to multi-task. No other company had thought about creating wet dry vacuum cleaners for these types of tasks.
This was revolutionary in vacuum cleaner design, a vacuum cleaner that combined all three of these vital tasks. The design was patented and although it was slow to catch on, it caught the imagination of the consumer public who saw the effectiveness of this new type of vacuum. In fact by 1989, Vax became the best selling vacuum in the United Kingdom ahead of any other brand in existence at the time.
By far the best selling machine and indeed the most popular4 on the Vax range was 121 series 3in1, making it the king of all wet dry vacuum cleaners.
Its numerous attractive features included its very distinctive and popular orange and black coloured body, its distinctive large orange on/off switch which was situated on the motor housing and the brand name Vax which was printed in large white letters on the front of the body of the machine. Its popularity in the market of wet dry vacuum cleaners was increased by the fact that it was quite stylish and distinct whilst being both powerful and practical in so many ways.
To this day, Vax continue in this vein to produce and sell a full range of wet dry vacuum cleaners, dry vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, carpets washers, hard floor cleaners and also diversifying into a range of cleaning products. The 3-in-1 wet and dry cleaner remains their biggest seller with the Vax 6131 which is a similar looking model to the original. This is why a Vax is still regarded as the king of all <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3829076');" href="/links/?u=>wet dry vacuum cleaners</a>
Vax was formed in the 1970s by Alan Brazier and the first product to be successfully branded and produced were wet and dry cleaners. The basic concept of the machine was to reproduce the effectiveness of the industrial wet floor cleaner for the residential home so normal; people could use it and see the same results as commercial business owners had been seeing with heir industrial cleaners. As no other company had thought of inventing wet dry vacuum cleaners, it was the first vacuum cleaner in the entire world that washed carpets and that everyday people cold use in their very own homes effectively.
What made it so good was that it was the answer to many household dilemmas, this kind of vacuum had the ability to clean any kind of carpets by dripping cleaning liquid onto the surface and then clean and vacuum the floor. It really had the ability to take in large amounts of liquids and combine it with the job of carpet washing, dry sweeping and make it a multi-faceted machine capable of combining these three activities into one for the normal household. The way this was achieved was to reimaging how the features used for industrial cleaners could be reapplied on a smaller scale for a household and then designs some clever new innovation for the cleaning brush head design to enable it to be multi-faceted and able to multi-task. No other company had thought about creating wet dry vacuum cleaners for these types of tasks.
This was revolutionary in vacuum cleaner design, a vacuum cleaner that combined all three of these vital tasks. The design was patented and although it was slow to catch on, it caught the imagination of the consumer public who saw the effectiveness of this new type of vacuum. In fact by 1989, Vax became the best selling vacuum in the United Kingdom ahead of any other brand in existence at the time.
By far the best selling machine and indeed the most popular4 on the Vax range was 121 series 3in1, making it the king of all wet dry vacuum cleaners.
Its numerous attractive features included its very distinctive and popular orange and black coloured body, its distinctive large orange on/off switch which was situated on the motor housing and the brand name Vax which was printed in large white letters on the front of the body of the machine. Its popularity in the market of wet dry vacuum cleaners was increased by the fact that it was quite stylish and distinct whilst being both powerful and practical in so many ways.
To this day, Vax continue in this vein to produce and sell a full range of wet dry vacuum cleaners, dry vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, carpets washers, hard floor cleaners and also diversifying into a range of cleaning products. The 3-in-1 wet and dry cleaner remains their biggest seller with the Vax 6131 which is a similar looking model to the original. This is why a Vax is still regarded as the king of all <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3829076');" href="/links/?u=>wet dry vacuum cleaners</a>