Wayne Dyer"s "The Shift" Is an Inspiration
I have recently bought the audio book 'Making the Shift'.
It is five and a half hours long and is the best I have listened to up to date.
Wayne Deyer is a true inspiration.
He explains in detail how we are being formed by our parents, our environment, society, schools and by many other people or places.
Some of us are so unhappy because we are not in line with our true selves; we have not found our purpose in life.
We try to comply with what we were taught, whether this is our mission in life or not.
He also talks in great depth about all the excuses we make and about our addictions.
We are too old, too young, too stressed, have got no time etc.
We all can make the choice and turn back to the healthy way, the way we were meant to be.
The key to happiness is getting back to the source, rid ourselves of all mental clutter, the ego and connect with our authentic self.
We have to align ourselves with the Source, the Source being God.
Deyer goes so far to say that we are the creators, each of us.
We create our own lives.
If we are like God, behave in a God like way, we can live a far more meaningful life away from material ambition.
When our minds are quiet, things begin to happen.
We must visualise what we want and believe that it is happening now.
We must feel it.
With the feeling, vibrations are sent out to the Universe which will then be manifested in our physical life.
This is the principle of the law of attraction.
The imagination and visualisation of personal achievements has to feel natural.
If it feels unnatural it will not happen.
This is explained in so much more detail that you come away and think: "Of course".
This all makes a lot of sense.
You will probably think that this is just another book on law of attraction.
But 'Making the Shift' is different.
It covers the gaps that many other books don't.
Wayne Dyer describes everything so beautifully, supported by many examples and with a lot of humour.
He talks about his personal life as well and reads from many different sources.
I highly recommend this audio book.
I will have to hear it many more times because it is filled with so much wisdom and inspiration which will make it my bible.
My second favourite book is 'Infinite Possibilities' from Mike Dooley.
Mike Dooley makes you want to fly.
He writes with such a lot of compassion and love that it makes you smile.
I have subscribed to his daily email 'Letters from the Universe'.
Every morning Monday to Fridays I get an email with a motivational quote.
I love it because it starts my day off in the right frame of mind.
It is five and a half hours long and is the best I have listened to up to date.
Wayne Deyer is a true inspiration.
He explains in detail how we are being formed by our parents, our environment, society, schools and by many other people or places.
Some of us are so unhappy because we are not in line with our true selves; we have not found our purpose in life.
We try to comply with what we were taught, whether this is our mission in life or not.
He also talks in great depth about all the excuses we make and about our addictions.
We are too old, too young, too stressed, have got no time etc.
We all can make the choice and turn back to the healthy way, the way we were meant to be.
The key to happiness is getting back to the source, rid ourselves of all mental clutter, the ego and connect with our authentic self.
We have to align ourselves with the Source, the Source being God.
Deyer goes so far to say that we are the creators, each of us.
We create our own lives.
If we are like God, behave in a God like way, we can live a far more meaningful life away from material ambition.
When our minds are quiet, things begin to happen.
We must visualise what we want and believe that it is happening now.
We must feel it.
With the feeling, vibrations are sent out to the Universe which will then be manifested in our physical life.
This is the principle of the law of attraction.
The imagination and visualisation of personal achievements has to feel natural.
If it feels unnatural it will not happen.
This is explained in so much more detail that you come away and think: "Of course".
This all makes a lot of sense.
You will probably think that this is just another book on law of attraction.
But 'Making the Shift' is different.
It covers the gaps that many other books don't.
Wayne Dyer describes everything so beautifully, supported by many examples and with a lot of humour.
He talks about his personal life as well and reads from many different sources.
I highly recommend this audio book.
I will have to hear it many more times because it is filled with so much wisdom and inspiration which will make it my bible.
My second favourite book is 'Infinite Possibilities' from Mike Dooley.
Mike Dooley makes you want to fly.
He writes with such a lot of compassion and love that it makes you smile.
I have subscribed to his daily email 'Letters from the Universe'.
Every morning Monday to Fridays I get an email with a motivational quote.
I love it because it starts my day off in the right frame of mind.