How to Build Outside Furniture & Playhouses for Kids
- 1). Create a square from four 40-inch segments of PVC pipe. Connect the corners with three-way corner connectors.
- 2). Place a 20-inch segment of pipe in each upward facing connector opening. Select one side for the entrance and place two T-connectors on the pipes on either side of the door so that the T-connectors face the opposite pipes. Place four-way corner connectors on the remaining pipe segments. Connect the horizontal openings with 40-inch segments of pipe.
- 3). Repeat Step 2, using four-way corner connectors on top of all pipes. Place a 40-inch pipe segment over the entrance on this upper layer.
- 4). Place a 5-inch segment of pipe in each upward facing connector opening. Place an elbow connector on top of each pipe segment. The elbow connectors should face upward toward the opposite side to form a triangle shape on each end of the assembly.
- 5). Place a 30-inch segment of pipe in the upward opening of each elbow connector. Connect the top of each triangle with a three-way corner connector. The remaining opening of each connector should face the opposite triangle.
- 6). Connect the two three-way corner connectors with a 40-inch segment of pipe.
- 7). Place the PVC pipe assembly over a 40-inch square plastic tarp for a floor. Remove the 40-inch segment above the entrance. Hang a shower curtain on the pipe for a weatherproof door. Cover the remaining assembly with a waterproof tarp. This will protect the interior from rain and other outdoor conditions. Stake the tarp into the ground to hold it in place.
- 1). Create a square from four 12-inch pieces of PVC pipe. Connect two adjacent corners with elbow connectors. Place a three-way corner connector on one remaining pipe and a four-way corner connector on the other. Repeat to create a second square.
- 2). Connect the two squares together. Connect the two three-way corner connectors by placing a 12-inch pipe segment between the remaining openings. Connect the four-way corner connectors by placing a 12-inch segment between the horizontal openings.
- 3). Place a 12-inch pipe segment in the remaining opening of the four-way connectors. Place an elbow connector on the top of each pipe segment so that the elbows curve toward each other. Place a 12-inch pipe segment between the elbows.
- 4). Use a two-part epoxy glue to secure a square of plywood or PVC sheeting to the back and seat of the chair assembly.
- 1). Place elbow connectors on both ends of a 30-inch segment of PVC pipe. Make sure the elbows face the same direction. Insert a 24-inch segment of pipe into each elbow opening. Place a three-way corner connector on top of each pipe with one opening facing the opposite connector. Place a 30-inch segment inside the openings that face each other.
- 2). Repeat to create an identical assembly.
- 3). Connect the two rectangles with a 24-inch segment of pipe between the remaining connector openings.
- 4). Use a two-part epoxy glue to secure a plywood or PVC sheet to the table top.