How to Make Your Own Hydroponic Kit
- 1). Use the hole saw to drill six holes in the lid of the plastic tub. They should be just smaller than the rim of the net pots.
- 2). Place the pump and gang valve next to the plastic tub. Cut a short length of tubing to connect the gang valve to the pump. Cut three longer lengths of tubing to connect the air stones to the gang valve. The tubing should be long enough to easily reach from the gang valve to the bottom of the plastic tub. Attach one end of each length of tubing to the gang valve and the other end to an air stone.
- 3). Fill the tub a quarter of the way with water and turn on the aquarium pump. Make sure the pump, gang valve, and air stones are all working properly.
- 4). Put a net pot into a hole in the lid of the plastic tub. Use the ruler to measure how much of the net pot falls below the lid and make a note of this measurement. On the inside of the plastic tub, make a small mark at the measurement of the net pots. Use a permanent marker to draw a fill line 1 inch above the net pot measurement.
- 5). Fill the plastic tub to your fill line and mix in the concentrated nutrient, following the manufacturer's instructions. Mix well.
- 6). Secure the lid on the tub and place the net pots in the holes in the lid. Fill the pots with HydroClay pebbles.
- 7). Transplant your seedlings into the pots and turn on the aquarium pump to aerate the water.