Ferret Training - The Litter Pan
The litter pan is the most important stage when it comes to ferret training.
Some people keep the ferrets in the garden so they don't mind it to much.
But if you grow your ferret inside the house, than it become very necessary for ferret to do his thing in the litter pan.
First of all the litter pan should be heavy or at least tight to the cage, in this way the ferret will not turn it all over and make a mass in the living area.
The basic ferret training starts at a small place, for example the cage.
Everything has its area - the food area, playing area, sleeping area and of course the bathroom.
When you start to train him in a small place the ferret will not get lost, he will know exactly what is the expected behavior from him on every little place.
When you notice that everything is going perfectly, you can slowly make his living area bigger.
The ferret will always go back to the place where the litter pan is.
Try to train your ferret to do his needs before you get him out of the cage.
For example, it is well known fact that most animals do their needs in the first half hour when they are awake.
So all you need to do is to let the ferret be in his cage few minutes after he is awake.
And of course always treat him with food when his behavior is good.
Treats are always a good motivational trigger for the ferret.
The same ferret training should be apply when the ferret eats - keep him near the litter pan for a while, just in case he will need to use it.
This will increase the chances that your living room will stay clean.
In most cases of ferret training with a litter pan I saw a big success, it takes few days, maybe a week but I can assure you that in the end it works in 90% of the ferret training cases.
Some people keep the ferrets in the garden so they don't mind it to much.
But if you grow your ferret inside the house, than it become very necessary for ferret to do his thing in the litter pan.
First of all the litter pan should be heavy or at least tight to the cage, in this way the ferret will not turn it all over and make a mass in the living area.
The basic ferret training starts at a small place, for example the cage.
Everything has its area - the food area, playing area, sleeping area and of course the bathroom.
When you start to train him in a small place the ferret will not get lost, he will know exactly what is the expected behavior from him on every little place.
When you notice that everything is going perfectly, you can slowly make his living area bigger.
The ferret will always go back to the place where the litter pan is.
Try to train your ferret to do his needs before you get him out of the cage.
For example, it is well known fact that most animals do their needs in the first half hour when they are awake.
So all you need to do is to let the ferret be in his cage few minutes after he is awake.
And of course always treat him with food when his behavior is good.
Treats are always a good motivational trigger for the ferret.
The same ferret training should be apply when the ferret eats - keep him near the litter pan for a while, just in case he will need to use it.
This will increase the chances that your living room will stay clean.
In most cases of ferret training with a litter pan I saw a big success, it takes few days, maybe a week but I can assure you that in the end it works in 90% of the ferret training cases.