How to Choose the Best Pushchair
Finding a Good Value Pushchair
Finding the right pushchair nowadays can be a time consuming and expensive business. The range of models and prices is overwhelming. Pushchairs range in price from £40 all the way upto £900 in some cases. So, how do you get the right pushchair for you at the best price you can?
Deciding what you want?
Before comparing prices you need to decide what exactly you want out of your pushchair. You need to look at your sitauation, including where you live. Considerations for town are different to country considerations. For example, bigger inflatable tires will cope better off road than smaller tires.
Own your own car?
If you own your own car you should seriously consider a travel system, with a detachable car seat. If you spend a lot of time on and off public transport then a lightweight quick folding pushchair like the Maclaren Techno XT is probably more useful.
Spend time narrowing down your options
Once you've decided exactly what your needs are, spend some time narrowing down the range of options. When you've got it down to a few read reviews and then find the best price. There are some websites that specialise in helping you find the cheapest deal for your chosen pushchair. One of the newer ones on the block is UKPushchairs. Whatever your budget this website will identify which shops stock your chosen pushchair and which have it for the best price.
All of the big brands
Big Brands worth looking at include Maclaren, Chicco, Cosatto, Hauck and Graco. These specialise in pushchairs at the lower end of the price scale. Bear in mind that price isn't always directly correlated to quality. Advertising strategies are used to good effect to place a premium price on some pushchairs that simply aren't worth it. But because they have a well recognised brand name mums and dads feel it's worth more.
At the more expensive end of the scale are Bugaboo, Phil & Teds and Stokke. These are the premium names in the pushchair world. They look stylish and have price tags to back it up! The Stokke Xplory is probably the pre-eminent pushchair in the world at the time of writing
The Reputable Shops
Boots, Mothercare, Kiddicare, UKPushchairs and other big baby shops are all good places to look for your chosen pushchair. They have a good selection although each shop has a slightly different range. Stock availability, colours and prices will differ between each shop.
Finding the right pushchair nowadays can be a time consuming and expensive business. The range of models and prices is overwhelming. Pushchairs range in price from £40 all the way upto £900 in some cases. So, how do you get the right pushchair for you at the best price you can?
Deciding what you want?
Before comparing prices you need to decide what exactly you want out of your pushchair. You need to look at your sitauation, including where you live. Considerations for town are different to country considerations. For example, bigger inflatable tires will cope better off road than smaller tires.
Own your own car?
If you own your own car you should seriously consider a travel system, with a detachable car seat. If you spend a lot of time on and off public transport then a lightweight quick folding pushchair like the Maclaren Techno XT is probably more useful.
Spend time narrowing down your options
Once you've decided exactly what your needs are, spend some time narrowing down the range of options. When you've got it down to a few read reviews and then find the best price. There are some websites that specialise in helping you find the cheapest deal for your chosen pushchair. One of the newer ones on the block is UKPushchairs. Whatever your budget this website will identify which shops stock your chosen pushchair and which have it for the best price.
All of the big brands
Big Brands worth looking at include Maclaren, Chicco, Cosatto, Hauck and Graco. These specialise in pushchairs at the lower end of the price scale. Bear in mind that price isn't always directly correlated to quality. Advertising strategies are used to good effect to place a premium price on some pushchairs that simply aren't worth it. But because they have a well recognised brand name mums and dads feel it's worth more.
At the more expensive end of the scale are Bugaboo, Phil & Teds and Stokke. These are the premium names in the pushchair world. They look stylish and have price tags to back it up! The Stokke Xplory is probably the pre-eminent pushchair in the world at the time of writing
The Reputable Shops
Boots, Mothercare, Kiddicare, UKPushchairs and other big baby shops are all good places to look for your chosen pushchair. They have a good selection although each shop has a slightly different range. Stock availability, colours and prices will differ between each shop.