How to Train a Rabbit to Potty in a Litter Box
- 1). Observe your rabbit in its enclosure for a few days and determine its favorite spot to go to the bathroom. Rabbits almost always will select a corner of their cage to go in, as you'll notice fecal matter in the corner as well as dampened bedding.
- 2). Fill the litter box about halfway with critter litter, but not so much that it is spilling over the sides.
- 3). Place the litter box in the corner of the enclosure where the rabbit usually defecates. This should coerce him or her into defecating in the litter box instead of on his bedding.
- 4). Change the litter in the litter box as needed. Rabbits defecate quite a bit, so the litter may need to be changed as much as every other day depending on how much your rabbit goes.