How to Clean With Ammonia & Washing Soda
- 1). Put on rubber gloves, safety goggles and ventilate the area. Ammonia and washing soda cleaner is very strong-smelling and can irritate skin and eyes.
- 2). Combine ½ cup of ammonia, ½ cup of washing soda and 7 cups of warm water in a clean bucket, as advised by as a strong general purpose cleaner.
- 3). Place a sponge or sponge mop in the solution. Use it to wipe down dirty or greasy stove tops, cupboards, countertops and floors. Grease especially will come right up with this solution.
- 4). Rinse the surfaces when you are done cleaning. Use dampened sponges or towels and sufficient water to remove cleaner residue. Let surfaces air-dry or use a towel to buff them dry.