How to Draw Sand on Steps
- 1). Determine where the sun will shine for your picture before you draw your sand. This will help you to know where to draw shadows and highlights within your sand. Start at the bottom of your paper. Draw a line lightly across the bottom of your paper. Slant your pencil where the lead is touching the paper sideways.
- 2). Shade in short, soft, light horizontal lines. Sketch in the lines by moving your hand back and forth gently. Create a section of sand at a time. Add more pressure to your hand to create darker lines in between each section to create texture and to show an unevenness in the sand. Shade lines close together to bend lines evenly.
- 3). Use an eraser to erase a couple of dark lines to highlight the sand or to create sunshine on the sand. Blend parts of the sand together by moving your finger gently back and forth horizontally and to create shadows. Create hills and waves within the sand by putting more pressure on the pencil to create darker lines.