How to Draw a Catfish on a Pole
- 1). Study some pictures of catfish. Make a note of the whisker-like barbels protruding from around the mouth. Notice the flat head of the catfish and dark markings on the body and the absence of scales. Study a few pictures of fishing poles. Observe some that depict the end of the rod bent as it reels in a big fish.
- 2). Draw a vertical ellipses, or long oval, that tapers into a point at the bottom. Draw two scalene triangles on either side of the tapered point to create the tail. Connect these triangles with the shortest sides connecting to the tapered point.
- 3). Sketch in some rounded lines above the top of the oval to extend the head into a tapered, but still rounded, point. Add an eye below this. Draw a half-circle a little behind the eye that connects both sides of the oval to distinguish the head from the body.
- 4). Draw a triangle behind the head in the middle of the body to create a pectoral fin. Draw a scalene triangle for the dorsal fin on the top, which is the left-hand side of the catfish. Sketch in some lines on the top of this fin to remove the hard edges and to create a drooping effect.
- 5). Draw a slightly open mouth at the top of the head. Sketch in a pair of whiskers extending from the side of the mouth. Draw a pair of whiskers extending from the chin.
- 6). Draw a hook through the top of the mouth. Draw a line straight up from the hook for the fishing line. Make this line longer than the length of the catfish's body. Draw another line connecting to the end of the fishing line. Sketch this line to curve as it bends from the weight of the fish. Straighten the line and extend it down at a 45-degree angle. Add a second parallel line to the first line. Draw a squat, cylindrical shape toward the bottom of the pole for the reel. Sketch some lines on the section of the pole below the reel to make the handle wider.
- 7). Erase any unwanted lines. Blend in your lines to smooth out any sharp edges. Press down firmly on your pencil to darken the whiskers, the eye, the fins and markings or patterns on the body of the catfish.