About Chondrioton and Glucosamine
Glucosamine and chondroitin are natural supplements that are commonly taken by an individual with arthritis.
These supplements are proven to be safe, effective and have far fewer side effects than prescription and over the counter pain medications.
What is Chondroitin? Chondroitin is a substance that is naturally present in the body.
It aids in maintaining body fluid and makes the joints more flexible.
Chondroitin improves the health of the joints by blocking the damaging enzymes.
Chondroitin are available at many drug stores, health stores and supermarkets.
It can also be purchased online.
This supplement can be purchased over the counter with out a prescription.
What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine is made from the amino acid glutamine and glucose.
It is a sugar protein that aids in the development of cartilage.
It is natural substance found in the cartilage.
Glucosamine is needed in the production of glicosaminoglycan, a significant molecule that is needed for the repair and formation of the cartilage and other tissues of the body.
As we age, glucosamine production slows down thus the ability of our body to repair damaged cartilage also slows down, making us susceptible to osteoarthritis.
Glucosamine is very beneficial to osteoarthritis sufferers since it aids in the formation and repair of a new cartilage.
The combination of these two supplements is very beneficial in treating symptoms of osteoarthritis.
It is a perfect combination where in there is a repair of the cartilage and maintenance of a healthy cartilage.
However, not all uses of these supplements are approved by FDA.
The use of glucosamine and chondroitin should not replace the medication that is prescribed by your doctor.
Glucosamine can be purchased in drugstores or health food stores without a prescription.
Glucosamine is obtained from the shells of crabs, lobsters, shrimps and other sea animals so those with a shellfish allergic should avoid using glucosamine supplements It still important to consult your doctor before using these supplements since there are some effects that can be undesirable.
For those with diabetes, for instance, glucosamine and chondroitin should be avoided since these supplements can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.
In the case of an allergic individual, an allergic reaction may be possible since the main source of glucosamine is from seafood which can be a triggering factor for allergic individual.
Glucosamine and chondroitin also have a blood thinning property, which is why it is not advised to be taken by individuals undergoing anticoagulant therapy since it may cause bleeding.
Glucosamine chondroitin MSM and other arthritis supplements can be helpful in relieving pain, but should be taken according to the recommended dosages or what your physician recommends.
Avoid taking these products in volume or taking longer than suggested to avoid any undesirable effects.
These supplements are proven to be safe, effective and have far fewer side effects than prescription and over the counter pain medications.
What is Chondroitin? Chondroitin is a substance that is naturally present in the body.
It aids in maintaining body fluid and makes the joints more flexible.
Chondroitin improves the health of the joints by blocking the damaging enzymes.
Chondroitin are available at many drug stores, health stores and supermarkets.
It can also be purchased online.
This supplement can be purchased over the counter with out a prescription.
What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine is made from the amino acid glutamine and glucose.
It is a sugar protein that aids in the development of cartilage.
It is natural substance found in the cartilage.
Glucosamine is needed in the production of glicosaminoglycan, a significant molecule that is needed for the repair and formation of the cartilage and other tissues of the body.
As we age, glucosamine production slows down thus the ability of our body to repair damaged cartilage also slows down, making us susceptible to osteoarthritis.
Glucosamine is very beneficial to osteoarthritis sufferers since it aids in the formation and repair of a new cartilage.
The combination of these two supplements is very beneficial in treating symptoms of osteoarthritis.
It is a perfect combination where in there is a repair of the cartilage and maintenance of a healthy cartilage.
However, not all uses of these supplements are approved by FDA.
The use of glucosamine and chondroitin should not replace the medication that is prescribed by your doctor.
Glucosamine can be purchased in drugstores or health food stores without a prescription.
Glucosamine is obtained from the shells of crabs, lobsters, shrimps and other sea animals so those with a shellfish allergic should avoid using glucosamine supplements It still important to consult your doctor before using these supplements since there are some effects that can be undesirable.
For those with diabetes, for instance, glucosamine and chondroitin should be avoided since these supplements can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.
In the case of an allergic individual, an allergic reaction may be possible since the main source of glucosamine is from seafood which can be a triggering factor for allergic individual.
Glucosamine and chondroitin also have a blood thinning property, which is why it is not advised to be taken by individuals undergoing anticoagulant therapy since it may cause bleeding.
Glucosamine chondroitin MSM and other arthritis supplements can be helpful in relieving pain, but should be taken according to the recommended dosages or what your physician recommends.
Avoid taking these products in volume or taking longer than suggested to avoid any undesirable effects.